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Let's hear about your hunting property

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by pastorjim08, Jan 18, 2023.

  1. Alone

    Alone Newb

    Nov 28, 2022
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    I hunt a 28 acres in Mcgrath, Minnesota during the rut with the in-laws. It's not great property. Not much to draw in the deer. I've started working plots and gonna start cutting to help acorn production. 10 acres are alfalfa and I hunt the woods by a swamp. Father in-law hunts over the feild, a lot of times it feels like we are wasting the rut but it's become expected tradition. The rut is my least enjoyable hunting time do to this.

    I also hunt public in Northern Wisconsin before and after the rut, woods with lots of wet land and islands. I hunt this alone, it's when I'm truely free and at peace. Lots of deer and not many bow hunters but becomes over run once rifle starts. In Wisconsin rifle is king.
    pastorjim08 likes this.
  2. virginiashadow

    virginiashadow Legendary Woodsman

    Mar 6, 2009
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    Right now I have a weird hunting experience. Haha. Lots of smaller 200 to 300 acre or so public land spots. Name of the game this off season is to find as many places where I can get away from others as possible.
  3. cantexian

    cantexian Legendary Woodsman

    Nov 11, 2013
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    I pound the ground
    As the public land ranger
    Where I roam, no Booner is in danger
    And yon yearlings here no sound

    As to full draw I go
    An arrow is released
    So on tender vension veal I feast
    Once a every year or so

    There’s danger in the woods
    But no beast or hunter is the grief
    Better be armed for catalytic converter thief
    For methheads do not live as honesty should

    To kill a big buck, every hunter’s dream
    Is the noble goal, courageous
    But on public, some would say, outrageous
    Or it would seem

    For the public land ranger
    With bow and arrow a threat be
    Owns no land and deer be few to see
    In the land owned by all, one deer is victory
    camo75, MUDSHARK and pastorjim08 like this.

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