For the past 15 years, since I really started paying attention, keeping notes, etc on my bucks, I have noticed a significant feasting frenzy all bucks including the old whitetail bucks once October rolls around. Temps are just beginning to change dramatically and the rut is coming on in mid to late Nov. There is no time like the month of October especially the first 3 weeks to catch a big buck feeding out in the daylight in clearcuts and or hidden mountain feeding areas, even more than during the hot summer months. We have very harsh winters and around 85-100 inches of snow annually, I believe the bucks in these mountains have evolved and adapted through time to really pack on the weight before winter/rut sets in, alot like a bear does here, before hibrination. The bucks do not move far from their food source though, often they lay right up in the thickness of it all day. Making it tough slip in on them. I dont notice my LULL until the first week of Nov. after this feeding time. How about U guys, does your area, weather climate etc. drive your bucks into a couple week feeding frenzy before the rut/winter sets in?
Our "lull" is due to the fact of the heavily pressured woods and everyone just seems to think the deer disappear around here. The rut then brings them back out. I will agree that here the first 2 weeks of the season are good ones to see deer moving around in daylight. The beans are usually still in this area and alot of the corn is being taken out so the deer are out and about. Last year on October 1st I had 2 stud 10 pointers feeding directly in front of me. Ran out of shooting light though.
I have shot my 2 biggest bow bucks in a food plot during early October. In fact, I saw a nice one this past Sat. but he was out of range. I'm a believer in Oct. buck hunts
Siman its all good,, i would rather miss most of october and catch the pre-rut to rutting weeks in end of the month and first few weeks of november. I swear i have had my most luck in the past years seeing bucks during 4 days. No lie, between Nov 6 - Nov 10...seems to be the peek of rut..
I sure hope so, I have a feast planted for them on my place, including a hidden food plot on a ridge in the middle of the woods. I'll find out starting Thursday.
Lol :D So heres a question for you guys, Would you rather hang a setup on a GREEN bean field, or an overgrown alfalfa field? Thats my great debate today...
After seeing the mountains, and knowing how different they are....I realize just how in over my head I would be hunting over there. :D In my area it seems the very easiest time to catch them feeding is as soon as the season opens in early september in the beans (or atleast heading to them)...October is the most difficult month for me to figure out thus far, and I am starting to realize the why is because my land doesn't offer what deer want then.
They should be feeding like pigs tonight big cold front moved in, I just need to pick the right spot for interception.. itching to get out of work, 10 more minutes