I know Hunsucker's done this, successfully. I'd love to do this, but don't know the best way to go about it. I'm assuming a spread of dekes would be in order, but I have no experience with geese when it comes to how wary they are to blinds. If you've hunted them....let me know what you think my best plan should be (in your opinion). Thanks.
Years ago we hunted them over water, late season when open water was scarce we would carry five gallon buckets of hot water on to the ice, blue food coloring and warm water made the appearance of open water, we sat field decoys right on the ice, it was remarkably effective. As with deer sharp broad heads were important,something easily resharpened like MA-3's worked well.
right now around here...picked corn fields are great the last hour of the day. Blinds aren't as important as NOT MOVING...and switching the setup almost everyday as many geese will be the same - they will pick up on that "same blob" that was firing at them yesterday. Some guys put out trailer loads of dekes...while the guy across the road has 6 out and kills more geese...there's more to it than just putting a bunch of dekes out.
I used to goose hunt. The trick with decoys is to place them in V pattern pointing into the wind the geese circle around and land against the wind, wings cupped into the wide part of the V (usually!). I would imagine with a bow you'd want them to land and then ground swat em like a turkey.
The boys and I hunt alot of geese. This is the basic set up. Put your blin inside the V twards the point. Picked corn is the ticket. I dont really know how to add a blind to archery hunt them. Geese have very good eyesight like a turkey. They have poor depth perception. We use 3 dozen dekes.