So here's the sitch: I have the Mile High Bogan grouping well at 25 and under. I talked to Joseph, my must have inuit guide. He's telling me most shots average between 25 and 35 yards. That info has me a little on edge. I pray I'm better than average! Time will tell... For the most part, I'm sleeping well. I am not experiencing the same nervous tension I had prior to my Prince of Wales bear hunt with Rob. That's a good thing! The temps have been hoover around 1 degree C for the last 10 days. I'm packing for colder temps than expected (historically, the temps have been between 45 and 26 this time of year). Not knowing what to expect, I've supplied myself with plenty of jerky, instant coffee, and soft candy. I'm guessing steak and eggs will not be provided-I envision whale blubber... "When in Rome," I settled on feathered Carbon Fury 350 (BassPro brand name) arrows tipped with a Snuffer 150 gr. 3:1 three blade (I have them honed razor sharp) broadheads. This arrangement seems to fly the best from the Bogan (trust me, I tried many different heads and arrows). I'm taking my PSE Super Short for backup. I pray I do not have to use it! But, as I told Jeff, I'm going a long way and spending a boat load of money. I'm not coming home without a muskox. I will be behind the string of something. My heart truly wants it to be the Bogan. The journey has me driving from Denver to Yellowknife, NWT Canada. From there, I'm flying in a turboprop plane to Holman. Holman is a small community on Victoria Island. I will arrive around noon on th 8th (Tuesday). The hunt begins that afternoon. I fly back out at noon on the 12th (Saturday, and back into Denver on Monday the 14th). I'm going for the complete artic experience-tenting it for the whole duration. I hope to have the camera smoking (the cold plays hell on batteries). I will cream the knickers if I have the chance to film a polar bear!
Trip of a lifetime... Have a blast! Oh, and some good luck too Have you thought about practicing a "point on" or some other aiming reference for a 30-35 yard shot?
For a given set up, if you have a consistent release and back tension for a repeatable draw, when you are at full draw, put the very tip of the broadhead on target and shoot. Note how high (or low) you impact, odds are it will be high. Back up and repeat the shot, repeat until you get to the distance where the point of the broadhead on the target hits there when released. This is referred to as your "point on" distance. Depending on how heavy your arrow set up, fps, etc, it may be between 30-who knows how many yards. If you find the point on is where you need it for a 30-35 yard shot, you're good to go provided you use the same anchor, back tension, draw length, consistent release and of course the same arrow/broadhead combo. If you find that your point on is too long, you can do a variation and use gap shooting, where possibly you put the point on 8" low (or quite a bit more) of your target to get the desired impact. Maybe it ends up being that you are point on at the bottom of the body for a 30-35 yard shot, just need to play with it. Good luck
Good luck mate. And don't go playin with them Polar Bears they might look cuddlie and playful but they ain't:p
Thanks for the info Range, I will give it a try! Russ, homie doesn't want to be the other white meat!
Best of luck Will! My friend Clif leaves for Nunavik on Monday but he's going to throw a rock at his musk-ox. Get a musk-ox with the longbow and I'll say it; "Will, you da man!"
You do know that its cold there, right ? Why anyone would want to hunt in those tempurates is beyond me. Oh well. Good luck to you. I wish you a safe, enjoyable and successful hunt. Cant wait to read the story and see the photos.
Good luck Will , i wish you every success with whichever bow you choose . I look forward to seeing the pictures and hearing the stories on your return . Shoot straight and stay safe .