I am looking for insurance for a hunting lease. We are not a club and really do not want to go that way. There seems to be many company's out there that do this type of insrance. Can someone point me to a good insurance company for this type of insurance.
It all depends on the cabin and where it's located. Several months ago I was in deep into one of these leases with a client. A current client took out the policy in 1980 out in Western PA and one of my newer clients was buying/leasing the deal. We could not start the policy with my company because the location was no longer acceptable in today's standards. When I say it was in the middle of nowhere, it was an understatment. Out in IL you might not have a problem. As much as it hurts to say it since I switched companies, try State Farm. If you're relatively close to a surrounding area you will have no problem. If you can't get help there goto your state's insurance department. In PA it's called the Fair Plan. I can't seem to find your state's plan. It may not be online yet as many are not. You might be able to track a number through this state web site: http://www.idfpr.com/. Hope this helps.
Correct Dano. You don't necessarily need to be a "club" to get the insurance either. You just have to give yourself some stupid name and that's it. We get ours through QDMA and it was like $350 for the year. The price is based on the acreage of the lease, not the number of hunters. And you get a 1 year membership to QDMA too. I enjoy their magazine.
What do your leases include? Is it just the land lease or are you able to put up a cabin/shack? In western PA a lot of guys have shacks and cabins. Your QDMA says nothing for property coverage. I'm guessing you guys are just leasing the land?
No worries, I've seen them all. :evil: A little tip, the dog really likes to be scratched under the chin.
Check out West Bend Mutual Insurance company, based in Wisconsin. They love risks like that, usually very competitive as well.