So after struggling all Fall with my Leaf River Camera (DC-2BU) I talk myself out of the brand. Its my only camera so far, and I'm looking at getting a Capture or Capture IR. However, after today I'm not sure. I put out two left over doe carcasses 4 days ago so I could try and get wolves on camera. So far, only the Ravens have come in, but the camera is doing GREAT!! The batteries are over a month old and its been cold! I got 200+ photos when I checked it today, some of which (like the 1st image) we taken in temperatures less than -35 degrees... Like I said, I had more issues this fall with battery life and image quality, but now in these conditions its far out performing my dad's Cuddy. this AM, just before 8, about -36 (haven't adjusted for daylight savings) The damn thing even got my photo today when I was checking it (warmed p to -15) So, now I'm liking it again. Any of you guys/gals using Leaf River Cameras?
The damn thing even got my photo today when I was checking it (warmed p to -15) You are a snowmobile???
We use a Leaf River IR-5 and I love the thing. It takes a little while to get use to the functions and settings but it takes beautiful day time pics and great IR pics too. We have had it out since Mid-November and havent had to change the batteries yet and its endured some below zero temps as well. I really, really love it.