Yesterday morning I was at my office when my older brother called asking if I could take the afternoon off and go hunt with him. I made a post a couple of weeks ago asking if you have had family turmoil over your hunting land. My brother and I haven't always met eye to eye on hunting and land management but we have hashed out our differences and everything is back the way brothers should be. I digress, my brother calls and I said WTH and we head up to our family farm 75 miles away. I walk the half mile across the pasture, find my tree where I've harvested this years buck and another doe from this year and slap on my climber. I pull myself up onto the climber and look up and notice a herd of 12 does walking my direction down a snow covered hill. It looked like a farmer opened up the deer gates and they were on a mission. There wasn't any way I could get up in my tree so I step down unhook my bow and find cover behind a little evergreen tree that Charlie Brown would pass over. This tree has been raked raw by bucks through the years and the only thing left is a little top for cover. I notice that all the doe take a left and head towards our neighbors pasture. As I peering through the binos I hear a noise behind me. A little button buck is standing 5 feet from me. I then have a doe come within 15 yards and look right at me from in front of me. I have my bow in my hand, my release on the D-loop and the stand off begins. I stand there making love to an evergreen getting stared down from a doe for 20 minutes while this button buck behind me is trying to cross an ice covered creek. That was the noisiest deer in the woods that day. I don't know how many times he fell on that ice but he eventually made it across that creek. Focusing back on the doe, everytime she would look the opposite direction I attempted to make my move but she would turn back quickly and stare me down. Finally, the doe starts to get some comfort and starts to walk in a lane 15 yards away. I pull back as she goes behind a Walnut tree and of course, she stops. I hold for what seems like an eternity and have to let it down. She knows something isn't right and turns around and starts walking back. I pull back, find my mark and release. I hit her high and spined her. Felt awful but put one where it should've went the first time and she was done. I believe this is my first bowkill in December and it is my first bowkill from the ground. I wait for dark to meet up with my bro and we together as brothers drag that doe a half mile in 10 inches of snow. It is something I'll always remember and I'm glad he talked me into going with him. I donated the doe to a family my brother works with that need it more than I do. This marks the end to my 2009 season and I couldn't ask for a better ending. With one solid buck and 2 doe kills this year with the bow I would say I have had a pretty successful season. Merry Christmas everybody and thank you for making what it is. Sorry about the junk pic all I had was my cellphone.
Congrats! I have yet to get a deer from the ground with a bow. I think next year I'm going to try really hard to get it done.
Congrats! my first and only buck kill was from the ground, every other bow deer has been from the tree.
Now that Is funny stuff right there!!! Congratulation's on the doe regardless where you hit her, you got her and that's what matters!! Congratulation's on a fine kill from the ground!!
I knew this was coming! :D When I saw the title of your thread, I thought for sure the doe would be wearing a bearcats shirt.
Awesome!! Congrats on a late season doe! That is currently my mission right now, and it sure is tough to do this time of season, especially on the ground! Nice Job and Merry Christmas to you as well. -SH