hey yall I was huntin today and missed a doe (misjudged distance) and I am going out in the mornin but wonderin some tips that will be good for late season and after spooking a deer from missin
Did the deer see you after you shot or did it just get spooked at the sound of the shot? If the deer didn't know you were there, you're probably fine just getting right back out there. If the deer saw you, you should consider moving your stand a bit or waiting a day or too for the area to cool down. Where I hunt (which may be completely different from your hunting area) the deer are mostly back to the early season patterns. Which is from food to bedding and back. Not a whole lot of wandering around going on. Here deer are digging up whatever acorns are left and also hitting the locust pods. (no food plots here) Good luck!
Like Christine said,food is key. Get between the food source and bedding area and sit tight.Good luck.
I have been looking for spots in the snow where they have been digging for acorns and taking that trail back to where I think is close to the bedding and its been working of me. It may only last a few days in each spot.
Be out there! You can't kill a deer if you're sitting on the couch. I've been playing a little cat and mouse with the deer this month. I watched eight (3 bucks and 5 doe) walk by one of my stands last night while I was hunting on the other side of a corn field. Tonight, I moved positions and everything came together. I have to say that I enjoy late season hunting. C
In the late season I do not hunt in the mornings. They are back deep in the swamps long before day light, and I don't go in there (until peak of the rut-not before, nor after)...also if they aren't for some reason, I would bump them walking in. I like to hunt in the evenings, and set up on major trails (the snow and trail cams help dictate which ones, here) leading from bedding area to a food source.