What's up guys. Been a bit since I was really last on here. Didn't participate in any team stuff on here this season or keep up with the LFTS lol. Someone give me the cliff notes, whose got the biggest deer this season and did little chief go on spree again this season lol? As for me, I was able to take two does which is pretty typical. One with a bow and the other with my new .350 legend setup in AR platform. Hope everyone has been doing well, it's time to start planning for 2022 season!
good to see you back. I think @cantexian has a running LC murder/death/kill list. Last I saw he was at maybe 7 does? If you want to see who killed the biggest bucks I'd say easiest way is to check the general teams score sheet and then search the entry list thread by name. That thread is restricted to entries only so there should only be 1-2 entries for any of the members.
KJ! Whats up man. Good to see youre still kickin. As noodles said, yes Chief is still the Michael Myers of the deer woods and buckeyhntr5 killed a 182” beast for biggest buck. Alot of nice bucks killed this year. How do you like that .350 legend? Im thinking of getting one just as a toy/deer gun if illinois ever legalized it.
What’s good Bud?! Hope this season treated you well. I like the gun overall as it was my first AR build. (Pic in attachment) Within 100 yards it’s really accurate, but haven’t got to test it past that distance. The recoil is nothing on it and will probably be more for my boy later on when he gets into hunting. I put a head shot on the doe at about 60 yards and was dead nuts. I’m in the process of building my 2nd AR, being in .300blk now and will be using that for a pig/deerhunting gun as well.
no bueno. Big goose egg. Never saw a legal buck on the hoof all season. December was a complete washout, between the Vid, quarantining from Vid, and family getting the Vid, and weather I wasn't able to get out at all in December to even smack a late season doe. At least everyone is alive and well now. Already got a couple scouting trips lined up.