Well fellas, yesterday evening was my last turkey hunt of the season. I am not trying to sound negative, but I truly didnt go out thinking I would bring a turkey home. This is going to be my last hunt on the property I have hunted the past 2 years. I have had alot of success on this property w/ 5 deer and 1 turkey this past year. Tons of armadillos a few squirrels, rabbits and coyotes, I saw 1 of each of those yeseterday come to think of it. I really tried to just enjoy the evening reminicing of past successful hunts and just enjoying the scenerty. I am moving away come saturday and probably will be getting into much better and much more ground, but I enjoyed this for what it was. These are just a few pics I took along the way. My Watchpoint: We have had a little rain here lately eh? Pretty good sized cottonwood: Dont wake the babies: He let me get close Pretty little place
Western Oklahoma, about 30 miles from the Texas line, (oh I miss home). I am excited about the move, way excited.
Good luck in the move and thanks for sharing your moment ( great pictures ) , i'm sure you'll have a great time in Oklahoma .
How's the Coyote population around there, from the pic's, it looks like it would be good hunting for em'!
It was pretty decent. I actually saw one on the day I took the pics. We kept after them pretty hard so it definately wasnt overpopulated.
The place looks alot greener now Zach. Thanks again for the few trips I had out there, it's a good looking place. How are you liking my half of the state? I may be up your way in a few weeks cutting wheat (maybe).