Just looking for some input from you guys. Here's the deal... My main piece of land is 600 acres of bowhunting paradise. Me and one other person (friend of mine) are the only ones that have permission to hunt it. I got permission (verbal and written) to hunt this piece 6 years ago. Since then I've communicated with him, but very little. I'd stop to say hello if I saw him outside. I've helped him around his house with things like clean up after storms, trash laying on the side of the road of his property, etc.... I've offered my services whenever he needed ANYTHING, offered venison to him and his wife, sent him thank you cards every year etc.... The thing is he is sort of a funny old bird lol. He and his wife are not very social and private sort of people. I don't really know them at all other than the land bordered the golf course that I own and I stopped over to inquire about hunting it. Actually I thought they only owned a little 10 acre field that bordered the golf course and I wanted to hang a stand just on his side so I thought I'd ask. Turned out to be ummmm a lot more! Anyway .... so the last 6 years have pretty much been us out of sight out of mind as far as hes concerned. We just come, hunt and do our thing. His land is actually a block away from his house so he doesn't even really see us around (not that it matters much). Here's the problem. I don't mind it being out of sight out of mind right now. Land is hard to come by these days. I really don't want to get his wheels turning about anything. BUT! I want in the worst way to post the living hell out of this land. It's getting a little more goofy every year with trespassers, 4 wheelers, truck tire tracks through the hay fields, hunters creeping over, etc... I just don't know if I should approach him and ask him or leave well enough alone. Nothing is posted at all right now. I'd hate to ask him about it and have him say "well ya know what I'd rather not have anyone out there at all" or something like that. Just not sure if I should open a can of worms of any kind. But I really think it would be in our best interest and help our matters out GREATLY if we could keep people the hell out of there. We've not set a single foot in there since the last day of late archery last year. No cams, no shed hunting, no scouting, no trimming, no stands moved etc... Also we are hunting secondary locations through October and going for the ambush in Novemeber. The land produces BIG bucks for my area. I really feel good about our chances if all goes well. But it could be all for nothing if others are stinking up our area. Thoughts? sorry for the long rambling post I've only had one cup of coffee and half awake.
I can't imagine that the landowner would mind if you asked him if you could post the land and maybe fix some fences. It would show that you care for his property and are being a good steward. I don't think it would backfire on you, but you never know.
This is a good approach IMO. If people have bult permanent stands in hardwoods with nails, you may bring that up also. good luck on how it turnes out
Well I happened to see him in his yard yesterday so I stopped and started talking to him. I was just going to feel it out and start out by thanking him for the use of his land etc.. He was in a good mood and was actually asking me hunting questions and if I spotted any nice bucks this year. It was a good conversation so I asked him about the posting. He said absolutely no problem. Sounded like a good idea to him. Cool. right? He said to put his name on the posted signs. I asked if he wanted me just to put the golf course name (i own a hole course/hunting camp in the fall lol that butts up to his land) and my number so he didn't have to be bothered with anyone calling him or stopping over. He said nah just put mine on. Hmmmmmm. I didn't know how to feel about that lol. Cool I can post the snot out of the place. But what if someone (like me) sees the signs and tries (and gets) permission to hunt there? I dont' want to make it seem like I'm being selfish, but .... yeah I'm being a little selfish. Land is tough to come by. Big land is tougher. Good buck holding land is even tougher. I'd like to keep this little parcel locked up if I could. Not sure what to do now. Leave it unposted and police it the best I can or put them up and hope nobody gets any bright ideas.
Sounds like a great piece of land and trespassers are always an issue. One thing that may allow you to have your name on the signs would be to offer a small fee to lease it. I know that most hunters hate doing so, but during this time any financial assistance to the landowner may be appreciated. The risk is now his name will be out there and someone may just offer it up to him and you would be out. They me be great people and heck may even be considering leasing or selling this property and you may not even be aware of it. Either way good luck with ever happens
When I see land posted, the first thing I do is take a picture of the poster so I know who to track down for permission. Although never called one yet Personally, I would not post anything until you have problems. Side note: I could see why he would want his name on his land and not yours. No offense to you in any way. He may just want to make sure he controls HIS land and not someone else. Good luck with everything.