How do yall have the best luck getting in contact with land owners of family land trusts? My property is surrounded by prime hunting timber that I'm sure nobody hunts. According to GIS it is owned by a Land Trust out of Wisconsin. Kinda hard to knock on their door and ask for permission. So my next step was to get in contact with farmers around the area to see who has the contract to farm the ground, hopefully one of them can lead me to the landowners contact info. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
Trusts are generally not part of the public record, however the successor trustee maybe listed on the tax roll. That person may or maybe be a member or part of the family trust.
Billing address for where taxes are sent will show on any copy of the property record card and/or copy of the taxbill. Draft up a professional letter including description of yourself, background and your proposed thoughts. Include a self addressed and stamped envelope incase they wish to respond in writing as well (older generation more inclined), include email and phone. Also include a liability waiver or express your willingness to sign one.
My wife and I have an appointment with our attorney on Wednesday to begin the process of setting up a trust. They are a great tool for many reasons. I would also agree that the tax record is a good place to start. The next best might be the local Farm Service Agency to see who is farming it. But, being a Federal agency, I don't know if they will give you any information...?
So I put my scooby doo detective skills to work. Googled the address attached to the property tax records, that brought up a phone number. I called said number, then another and another. Eventually leading me to the one in charge. I should have a call back in the next day! Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
I'm 70 acres richer for hunting this season hasn't been hunted in atleast 2 generations. I'm so pumped!! Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
Going to meet with the farmer today to let him know where I plan to park the truck and we will go back and look it over Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
It's always a great feeling to pick up a new area to hunt...especially one that has been left alone for two generations. Congrats!
Well they haven't allowed any hunters on in 2 generations...if like my area I bet a paycheck folks been hunting it to some degree. LOL Congrats!
Lol! Exactly. I talked to the farmer who leases the ag ground and he said last fall an old treestand fell out of a tree and into the field. So he knows someone had to be hunting it at some time but knows the family has never gave permission to do it Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
No doubt I easily could have walked across the field from my property and hunted this new property without ever being caught. The trustee of the property even told me so. She said you know you could have just hunted it and we would have never known. She said the only thing they care about there is the profit off the farm ground Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk