Since we purchased this property with the 7 acre pond, I never knew what all it took. Last summer, we had muskrats show up and knowing the damage they can do to a dam, I had to take care of them. Then, last fall an otter showed up. First, I thought cool! Then, I found out that they can destroy the fish in a pond by eating 22 lbs a day. I talked to DNR and they said I could destroy it as long as I didn't skin it for the pelt. By this spring, I had put three of them down. Last week, a beaver showed up. In the one week period he's been here, he's cut down three trees along the pond. Once again, I learned that they will block the drain for a pond and overflow it. Tonight, I went out with a .22 rifle and dropped the bugger at 400' with one shot. I hope and pray that the Good Lord will guide the water mammals away from here. I really don't like killing something without having a further purpose for my prey. Just wanted to get back to the good threads!