I have ordered from Lancaster Archery for many years. I was looking for the arrows I use, Beman ICS Camo Hunters....no made to order option. In fact I looked for any MTO arrow option and did not see any. I also went to Cabela's and noticed they did not give any MTO option either. What is up?
I fletch my own, yet I don't have a highspeed saw to cut the arrows. I wish I did. Thanks for the suggestions guys, and thanks for the offer Jeff.
not sure what MTO stands for but i know i cant get enough of lancaster archery, i was there again this week. Awesome shop, so much better than any of the local yahoo's
MTO=made to order arrows. I ordered from someone else today. They lost a $100 or so due to not having their website running correctly. Oh well.
Was just there 2 weeks ago and they do have that option for sure...if your having problems call the showroom and ask for Moose....Hes the showroom floor MGR.
Ben, I went to the Archery Warehouse----I went and looked at the Hunters Friend website after I had already ordered....same prices. I did like their website though and am looking at stuff on it right now. I just had a panic attack yesterday as my last years arrows were flying like crap. It turned out to be a loose prong on my drop away rest. Oh well, I needed some new arrows anyways. Thanks for your help guys. Ps...I went back in and looked at Lancaster's website....again, no MTO order option.
try this. Cheap and works great. http://search.harborfreight.com/cpisearch/web/search.do?keyword=mini+chop+saw
Thank you TX--all I need is a chop here and there. That thing will pay for itself in a year or so. I am going to buy it at some point. A guy from Lancaster just e-mailed me back saying that all MTO orders must be telephoned in to be placed. I told him that nothing on their website says that and I have always ordered them online, never having called. Oh well.
I have the same harbor freight saw (Thanks to Rick James) and it works flawlessly. I did buy a grinding cutoff wheel instead of what came with the saw. Hey VA....which stabilizer did you order, if any?
Did it finish the ends better? link? I have a Harbor Freight right here in town, All i need it part numbers.
Well, I haven't tried cutting an arrow with the blade it came with but I will try it on a scrap piece of arrow. Get the saw in the link. I looked all over for 2" grinding cutoff wheels but couldn't find them. Lowes, HD, Northern Tool, and Harbor freight didn't even have them. So I went with 3" (similar to the ones in the link). You just have to take the blade guard off the saw and watch how far you press down or the blade will start cutting into the saw's base. Watch where you place your fingers too. Been there. I haven't even built a jig for it (pressed for time). The arrow seems to be squared when clamped in the saw. I just measure each arrow before cutting. Works well enough for the price of the saw. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=96255
I've debated whether or not to get the ASD...I read the reviews on Cabela's site and people are saying good things about it but is it really needed? Couldn't you cut from the nock end so you wouldn't worry about being out of square with the insert/bh?
http://www.micromark.com/CUT-OFF-WHEELS-2-DIA-10mm-HOLE;-PKG-OF-3,6669.html http://www.hobbylinc.com/htm/hou/houac3.htm http://www.amazon.com/CUT-OFF-WHEEL-MANDRELS/dp/B002KMPZYM any of those work?
They probably would. I'd just make sure the arbor hole is the same size. I didn't order online because I was in a hurry to get mine cut. Your harbor freight might have them in 2" anyway.