What would you all recommend for my sister who is getting back into shooting-- she needs a new bow Desperately!!! Weight- 40-45 lb., short draw. Low cost too. Any recommendations? thanx
My first recommendation is that she needs to get some bows in her hand to find what she likes. Second is that you need to more specifically define what "short draw" is. Get her to a good shop and get her measured up while she gets a feel for what she wants.
Draw length will be close to 24-25 in. She is starting to get some bows in her hands aw well, but just wondering what others have had success with.
Check out the Browning Micro Adrenaline, vast draw length adjustment and poundages. My Fiance has the 40-50lb. Nice little bow, and you can usually find them fairly cheap.
I just bought my son the Bowtech Razor Edge. fully loaded $325. adjustable dl of 19-29" and adjustable dw of 30-60#. It comes w/a sight, a 3-brush rest, and a wrist sling. It's really easy to adjust, so they can grow into it. It's 31" ATA. He absolutely loves it. My pro shop worked w/him for about an hour adjusting everything and he was shooting them in the center at 15'. Mind you, he's never really shot a real bow, just them cheap-o school/scout bows. I believe it supposed to shoot at 310fps at 29/60#. Best thing to do, is to go out and shoot some different bows.
The droptine divas have a bow made just for women and girls and it looks pretty darn cool also with pink cams and string.. I believe it is made by full force but go to there web site you should be able to see it..Walt