Tomorrow afternoon at 12 pm CST on Versus yours truly and Mike "The Duck of Death" Willand will be making our inaugural, and grand, appearance on the Campbell Outdoor Challenge TV show. The event we took place in will be airing over the next 3 episodes of the show, so you'll probably get to see our smiling faces quite a bit throughout the shows. Although we did kill our deer in only two days so we don't have quite as much footage as some of the other teams. For those of you who have seen Full Circle you've already seen both of our hunts, but there may be some clips in there that didn't make the DVD - and of course our totally rad and awesome interviews as well. :D So set your DVRs friends, because its on like Tron.
See.. there's this shooter from England who says he's the fastest gun in America (a real killer).. so he has a book being written about him by this author who's traveling with him. The name of the book is "The duke of death". Well.. when the english dude gets thrown into prison.. the towns arrogant sheriff (who threw him there) played by Gene Hackman see's this book and calls it and the english man.. "The duck of death".. making fun of the english shooter who claims to have shot another man. But Hackman's character knows the truth. Get it now.. Rob?:d
I still haven't seen the one JZ and I were in. I did check and I do get the VS. channel. Doubt I'll watch tomorrow. I know how it ends.
They took my VS away a little while ago. But I have seen it on Full Circle. And I saw the MISS in Walmarts parking lot.