So I’m curious as to what everyone’s preferred stand choice is and why? Ladders or hang ons? Personally I hunt and have killed deer out of both but prefer hang ons. Feel like I can hide them easier and they’re not as noticeable. Also maybe it’s because I feel like the deer in NY walk through the woods looking up.
My stand of choice is one that is in a spot to kill deer consistently. Ladder, hang on, climber, double ladder, an old couch, barn loft window, behind a cedar, Buick sedan, tractor tire...
Buick sedan? Damn should have left the 3 old cars out in my woods instead of having them dragged out of there.
Which makes me think. As soon as I can afford it we’re putting a new roof in that concrete block building out back
I like my saddle bc I like to move. A hang on works too. Playing the wind is the name of the game. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Totally agree with you about ladder stands in NY, at least in Eastern NY there is still a lot of hunting pressure. On my NY property I three Ladder stands, all 21 footers. I have 18 hang on stands. I would love to have more ladder stands here however the tree has to be absolutely perfect for me to use a ladder, triple trunks lots of cover below it and it has to be brushed in too and bottom. If not they are too conspicuous. That’s only in NY. On the farm in KY we have about 30 stands and 25 are ladders with NO issue at all. Illinois there is 40 plus ladder stands and about 50 hang ons. No issue at all. every place is different.
never cared for ladders, ugly as crap in the woods they are ... Ive got over 30 portables/2 climbers and my LW.... been asked to sell 'em all and I still say no in case I find some good private again .. all I use now is my LW Alpha 2 and 4 Skeletor sticks/2 step aider as I rotate thru my 40+ stand/tree locations on the state land I hunt and I pack it and my gear in and out every hunt ... where I'm at now a large section is bowhunt only and no stands can left left up when not in use, "stands CAN NOT be left unattended" the rule says ... I love that, it keeps guys from hogging/claiming locations, there have been fights there when some ladder owner got pissed someone used a climber close to their stand location ... never used ladders on my 160 acres of private I had for almost 18 yrs, only portables or a climber
As to the question the OP posed, neither. I only hunt out of climbers. I despise hunting out of ladder stands and I don’t really care for hang-on stands. I prefer the old man comfort of a Summit climber.
I think there’s a lot of hunting pressure no matter where you’re at in NY. Might not be as bad as it was 20 years ago but it’s still fairly high.