Anyone out there running kuiu? Looking at getting some for hunting whitetails in the Midwest. If anyone has it what do did you go with? Pros and cons? Thanks!
I tried a bunch of Kuiu stuff and hated it all except gators and pack. I had a few jackets, shirts and gloves. They all fell apart. Within like 2 hints I had problems. Way to expensive and not worth 1/4 of the price in my experience. In my opinion of you have money to spend first lite is far far more superior and if you have problems with anything they will take care of it. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
The only whitetail camo you'll ever need = Sitka gear! Quiet, comfortable, warm and amazing quality, a brand where you actually get what you pay for. Its pricey stuff, but worth every penny. You wont regret it.
Kuki is really made for the hunter on the move. Not really for stand hunting IMO. First lite or Sitka have some stand hunting clothing.