Ok by now we all know Rob has ordered a Bogan What Rob decided on was a Tigerwood riser, Redheart and Yew limbs with Ebony weges and limb butt overlays with Antler tips. While most of the gear is not here yet, hopefully the postman should bring most of it tomorrow. I have done all I can for now to the riser. I also have the tip overlays all but done. They where a little on the pourus (sp) side so what I done was mix up some epoxy and let gravity take it's course to fill the pours. Once the epoxy had set I sanded them back and epoxied them onto some Phenolic. The pours where not that deep so when I do the string grooves all you are gonna see is the antler. Apart from the rest of the gear for Robs bow I am still waiting on some bandsaw blades they should be here in the next couple of days aswell. More to come.
Enjoy these very much... ...can you help explain the "center shot" of a trad bow? It appears on all trad bows when viewed from rear, that arrow is offset to left of center from center string on the riser...is that for optimal flight? Or is it just illusion? -Thanks!
Well both the postman and UPS man are sneaky buggers neither of them rang the door bell. I walked out the front door to get something out of the truck to find these. So like a little kid I just had to open the boxes even tho I knew what was inside them. Here is what we have. Rob I take it you want me to use the section you have marked on the Yew? Unfortunately the bandsaw blades did not show up so there is not much I can do for now apart from use the table saw to rip the redheart to width. The redheart has a couple of real ugly knot holes and some worm holes but I still should be able to get the limb lams from it.
Yep, I spent the better part of an hour and a couple of beers finding the best piece of that yew and laying it out. I figured you probably have a better saw to rip it with so I left it to you since it doesn't run parallel with the board edges. Wow! That redheart looks impressive!
Rob. Thats what I thought and went ahead and ripped it. The old Bandsaw blade had enough left in it to do this. The redheart had a hidden knot in it so I will see how it looks after I grind, them if the knot pulls out, I think I will be able to cut the left over board to get 2 more lams out of. The original knots and worm holes just happen to be in the best looking parts of the board.
They look real nice so far. That yew looks pretty plain there but the colors are really going to light up when they get wet. Russ, I read that redheart is very susceptible to UV fade. I hope you've got some UV stable resin?
Rob. I don't think it is going to fade much when it's under glass. Ok I was able to grind out the hidden knot hole. Still have a lot more to grind off them but they are gonna look real good under glass.
Nice Grain , i started appreciating wood grain a lot since seeing my bow made and think it adds a lot of character to a bow .... that is some nice wood .
Rob. Thats gonna be the limb butt end. I just wet down the Yew and picked out the most figured end for the butt end as well. Now it's time to quit for the day, it's freaking hot in the shop, already lost 10lbs of sweat:d I'll make a start on the wedges when I get home from work tomorrow.
How cool is that! The wood is incredible Russ, I finally have a package od supplies ready to ship. Watch your mail... Rob my friend, I cannot wait to watch more of this build along! That redheart is top shelf. Rex got his Colo. x-bow permit (I talked to him yesterday). It looks like he's mine for several weeks, too cool.
That's 2 weeks less that I don't have to put up with his snoring!!!! Just remember when you get woken up at 02:00; you asked for it!
Alright we are cookin with Porta-gas now. The wedges are done. Started off with these. Then onto the belt sander making sure I had a solid backing. Then after an hour of careful sanding I had these. I will add you have to get the tapered ends paper thin so a lot of care is needed as they will break if you look at them wrong.:d Now it's cuppa time then back out and finish grinding the lams.
Will. I never wet the Redheart down to take the pic, but I did wet it down after I took the pic to get an idea of how it's gonna look under the glass. Your right just infreakincredible:d No worries mate I hope it dont bust his poofer valve deliverin it:d
Well I only have to grind .025" off the first set of lams. Here is the Yew making a pass. Now the Redheart. I will get these finished today and do the glue up when I get home from work tomorrow.
Rob. One good thing about that Ebony. You can clearly see the spliters Wait till you see the bow in person, cause no picture is gonna do her any justice.:d
Careful Russ, the girlfriend is monitoring this build... wouldn't want her to get jealous! I hope to get her shooting next week. You may have to build another one for her if we're not careful...