I know that there are many people that don't have much public land to hunt, but I also know lots of hunters that aren't aware of lots of public land that's available to them. It simply amazes me at how much people complain about not having land to hunt, but don't utilize or make themselves aware of the land they do have available. I totally understand that much public land is overrun with hunters at times, but changing your methods and tactics can make for successful hunting. So do you know your public lands and what's available to you?
Not at all, and I wish I did. I might actually be able to hunt without driving 200 miles if I did. Honestly, I just don't know how to find out that sort of stuff.
I know mine and am very happy I have arrowed 7 deer in the last 3 years off it. Luckily a friend of mine showed me around about 9 years ago and I have hunted it ever since. I hunt a large military base with one particular area being around 30,000 acres that is divided into huntable sections. The system that is in place forces you to get out and really get familiar with a bunch of different areas because they shut parts of the base down for training from time to time.
There is a chunk in NW WI that I used to hunt that I wish I still had time to hunt. Its closed to all vehicle traffic, foot traffic only. I have a couple buddies that bowhunt it every fall and they see some great bucks. If I had to hunt public in WI still, this would be the place. On a side note, all the land I hunt here in NW Ontario is public. We hunt about 250 sq miles around my camp and I know a lot of it pretty well.
I only hunt public land. In Wis there is more public land that any one man could ever learn. A lot of it gets pressured pretty hard. Northern Wis. deer populations suck right now and I made the switch back home to central Wis. I put on about 27 miles this spring scouting new areas. I didn't even come close to seeing all the land that is open to the public.
I mostly hunt public land. Missouri has literally thousands and thousands of public land open to hunting. Alot of it doesn't get pressured too hard. Some nice deer come from public land tracts too, will all of the land management that the state does.
In MN we are blessed with millions of acres of hunting land which is open to the public. Most of my bowhunting is done on private land. However, I do go to a rifle camp in a public area every year with friends of mine. Many of the largest bucks around here are killed in public areas.
Absolutely, i research every form of public land. Lots of other options other than just Game Commission land.
I have plenty of it around me, but I have seen and know what happens on that public land and I can say that I am just fine without utilizing it for deer. I have only ever heard of two decent bucks coming off it in 7 years.
I have searched extensively for public land near me. The closest is 2 hrs away and highly pressured. There is a bunch near my lease.
I keep tabs on the public land and have some decent spots - but have to drive some distance and I won't step foot on it during open gun seasons
Ive bowhunted several public areas of northern mo but I too would be fearful of hunting there during rifle season it sounds like WW3! on opening day and vehicles lined up down the road I dont think I would even find a place to park. lol . We have seen several monsters one of which I missed.