I got this in an email, pretty cool game if you think you know your states. Having been to all the continental states countless time I thought I would of done better! Score. 84% Average error. 28 miles...... I slipped on the mouse and dropped Colorado 500 miles from where it was supposed to go. DOAH! Time. 771 seconds -------------------------- Map of OF USA...WOW!! Wonder how a high school senior would do on this one. See how you do in placing the states of the United States of America. All you do is look at the top of the page and drag'n'drop the state where it belongs. Smart map, varies the order of the states' placement with each new try! It isn't easy mostly because placing a state in the precise location when it as yet has no boundaries in place is a bit tricky! http://jimspages.com/States.htm
My 2nd time around was better. I didn't know it was a time thing on my first go. 90% 12 miles 232 seconds
91% Ave error 15 miles, 315 seconds. Midwest got me a couple times. I really think it depends on the order of the states they give you.
I got 94% on my second try. I thought I'd do better but they gave me nebraska first and then wyoming. Those were tough states to drop accurately without at least one or two other states to line them up with. For some reason I tried relocating Delaware too. Took me 5 tries to get 100%.
90% 22mile error 421 seconds I am always satisfied with an A. I bet a lot of people would fail this if you did this on jay leno"s jay walking...lol