Mr. Conservative It was a just a matter of time before this happened. Hopefully this will deter others from playing this "game".
I saw the video on YouTube and almost posted it. He got what they all diserve and there will be more of it. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk
Many feel the media has been ignoring the knockout game for the most part as they are nervous about the race issues? It appears to be mainly black teenagers targeting whites?
They wouldn't want the public to know that racism and hate crimes can go more than one way. The media is about as useful as used toilet paper. My money says that when one of these degenerate low lifes is kill by a not so willing victim , the family will try sue " cause they were only playing a game" When in reality if there was a lawsuit it should be the victim suing the family for the cost of the expended rounds.
that kid got what was coming to him. What are they thinkin "hey guys, lets go up to some random dude who is probably got some heat on his hip and punch him in the face for no apparent reason." Its just ludicrous. They are even punching women which is WAY wrong.
I would charge someone for malicious wounding for doing something like that if I could....felony charge and much bigger time in jail than just 1 year. And that kid making mention of doing that 6 or 7 times is going to have detectives smiling. All they have to do is go back and connect pieces and additional charges will come for that little punk.
I live 45 minutes from lansing. It crazy how calm and loving it is where I live, and just 45 minutes away, there's this happening. Whats this world coming to people. The kid says "Its just A game. Everybody just goes along with it." Well I don't know about u, but getting thugged in the head, and knocked out for who knows how long, is not just a game. Maybe if the kid gets treated with his own medicine, he'll know its not just a game.
Its sad because it is a racist thing. this game has been played by mostly or all blacks targeting whites. There has not been one black that has been a victim to this game yet. Its sad and next time they try to beat up someone or in this case taze someone, they need a couple 40s in there chest.
Is anyone else bothered by the smug smile on the kid's face while he's being interviewed on the phone from jail? What are the chances he learned anything at all from this? My bet is on slim to none.
Exactly, and people wonder why we can a act so callused when one of these low lives get shot and killed.
He's smiling because he probably just earned his street cred. He'll end up getting out and leading other idiots down the same path.
Yep Justin that little smirk pissed me off. Now he will get out of jail with a thug mentality because he did "hard time" for attacking someone. That's why you ALWAYS make it a kill shot, to hell with wounding.