I have been useing a buck folding knife with a half serrated blade on it.The knife is a pain to clean after gutting a deer the tallo [fat] gets down inside of the blade sleve and then needs to be soaked over night in soapy water. The serrated half of the blade is hard to sharpen decent also, I'm switching over to a 6" fixed blade this year. What do you use or prefer?
Right now, I'm using a Buck 4" with the zipper blade, rubberized handle, fixed blade. Works great, sharp, and easy to clean.
I have a bunch of smaller folding knives i carry, they all work well. Fixed blades make me nervous. Odds are very slim but i'd worry about it coming through the sheath if you fell just right.
Gerber folder, and it came in a kit that has a gut hook and a limb saw all in the same compact pouch. I also carry in the kit a small 4" rapala filet knife, it's the perfect "cornhole" knife......:d I'd really like to get myself a custom like the one Jeff has eventually, that looks very similar to the one Matt/PA carries.
Only picture I have of my favorite knife. I have used it for just about everything. I also use a fixed-blade buck knife often.
Gerber with a gut hook...if you run very hot water over the knife right after cleaning the fat "melts" away.
I use a Old Timer folding with a gut hook and I also use the 4in cornhole knife LOL! It does work great!
Genuine antique Uncle Henry lock-blade. (8in when open) Will shave from start to finish while cleaning a deer.
I've been using custom knives made by my brother. This year, I'll be using one that we both designed just for deer. It is not quite finished at this time but the blanks are cut out and heat treated.
buck 110 folder, Schrade Old Timer folder, Buck Lite folder. I keep all three in my pack and I keep all three scary sharp.
A Gerber folder with gut hook at present time. I just run it under Hot soapy water and keep an old tooth brush to scrub out the inside.
Buck Alpha Hunter folding...very heavy so not for pack trips, but gets tons of use as I seem to gut all the families deer ...but resharpens quickly and very hot water from tap cleans it off quickly even out of fold. Plus it was gift from the wife :d