just upgraded from an old bow the new carnivore 31. and i love it so far... but i have adjusted my draw length, my old bow was a little long but i grew into it being comfortable. but im having a hard time adjusting to the shorter draw length. ive had the bow for almost a month now and am lacking the consistency that i want. i just cant find a comfortable anchor point and repeat it time after time. thinking about looking into the kisser button. i have never used one. thoughts on the kisser buttons would be helpful and also can i put one on myself or need to go to bow shop, becuase the shop is not close by.
Hey donut, welcome. I started with a kisser and liked it fine. Then the owner of the shop/range I shoot at put a peep sight on for me. I like that better. good luck, Jim
My first bow had a kisser on it and i really like it. Then when i purchased my new bow, the pro shop owner talked me out of it. I re-learned to shoot but have definitely grown into not having one. He also noted that the worlds best archers don't have them. I don't know what that has to do with anything but i took his advice and shoot just fine without one. Now i just give my buddies trouble who use them and kid them that its for beginners and novice shooters. They know i'm kidding but its fun doing it.
I asked the same thing. I was told (and I believe) that it is redundant,if you can see through the peep each time than your anchor is consistent. Also I shoot a 14 year old bow, and anything extra on the string robs precious speed. Others here know way more than me, but this is my understanding. Jim
yeah i am just aggravated that im not shooting the lights out with the new bow, but i really havent got enough arrows through it. some groups will be awesome and im happy, other times not so much....... a little off topic from the kisser but i have a 5 pin trophy ridge sight.. i do like it and have no problem with it but my thoughts and internet searches have been overwhelmed by the adjustable sight... i just dont know how easy it would be to range, adjust, and the set to make the shot... and i hate to spend 80-100 bucks for soemthing that will sit in a box.
i use a kisser and love it but I will say that late season you can't wear a full face mask without pulling it down before the shot because you can't feel it with one on
I think I have shot a Bow everyway possible. I currently shoot with only a peep sight. It's what works best for me and a kisser is not needed at all. Bottom line is whatever works for you. Don't be afraid to experiment and use what seems to work best for you. Dan
I Love my HHA rear slider. It has worked awesome for me the last few years. It gives me a better field of view than multi-pin sights, and is more accurate at odd yardages. Accuracy is dependant on a lot of different aspects of your form, bow tune, etc. I doubt the addition of a kisser will make a huge difference, but you should try and see. The Best advice is to find a local Archery nut that will watch you shoot and give you pointers on form, bow tune, etc. Talk to more than one guy if possible. Not all guys serious in Archery are equal, and you can get different points of view, and ideas. Dan