So I have settled on getting a way too expensive Mathews Flatline stabilizer. I know, it's ridiculous, but I really like the looks and quality. But my decision is hinging on what color.. I have the real tree camo pattern bow and quiver... I have an all black QAD rest. Black HHA sight. the question is, black or real tree stabilizer? don't laugh, I am trying to accessorize my season is done for bow and I am bored again...until gun season
I'll be the odd man out here. I've never understood why anyone would spend big $ on something as simple as a stabilizer because it "looks cool"? Who's gonna see it? Not like a ladies purse Do you REALLY think its gonna "perform" better then an ugly 25.00$ one? People tend to way overblown "cool" in archery. But...., its your money
You know do what makes you happy, there was a time I may have mocked and ridiculed but heck do what you want. That being said I have a 24" octane on my destroyer, had a shorter one but it broke when I dropped my bow out of the stand years back. Been there done that.
I know it's absolutely ridiculous.. truly I do. But, I do like it's function and looks and hell, when I was married I never could buy things like this. Now that I paid her off, and I don't have to share my paycheck with her, hell with it, this is my passion. I don't buy new trucks, boats, or go on I will splurge!