I would contact your local game warden. In some states game wardens have authority to go onto private property without the permission of the land owner. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
man, that sucks. the landowner south of us lets us come over all the time. he even brings his quad and trailer if its a long haul. Some people are just jerks.
Conservation officer and site supervisor informed. I'm convinced that I am cursed for this season boys. Ranged a doe today at 40. As I drew she hopped off. Moments later a yote jogged across the field! On some new property today. Just opened Oct 1st. Already bumped a big buck walking in. Hopefully will c more.
I'm going to get a chance sat. I'm just waiting for the rut to start then I'm taking a week off work to sit in a tree. Trying to time it right. Little bucks are fighting a bit but the big boys still aren't out much during the day. Hope that changes sat. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Fre
Well I had HIM at 17 yards. Lets start by this I had deer moving all morning. First off a little 4 pt chasing a doe. Not close enough on the doe. As they ran around west of me. I see what I thought was a bigger buck. Shortly after the doe and four pt. I see a big deer, a grunt to him. He stops and looks my way. He is 80 yards, he continues south, I grunt again and he turns and is headed my way. I have my binos on him. He is coming my way I grabbed the bow and clip the release on. He is coming in, I realize he is only about 75 - 78 inches. He comes to 17 yards. I had him if I wanted him. I looking for about 110 or better, give or take a few inches.
Just put another 50 pts on the board for our team. Working this week but then off the next 2 after that and will be out in the woods trying to knock down a big boy.
Week hunting ended early on Wed when I had to come back for a family medical emergency. Mom is doing well now, but my Dad was concerned so I returned. Saw 8 does Tuesday evening hunting and 5 bucks Wednesday AM. I passed on a couple really nice bucks 'cause I know there are some much larger ones around. Will be back in West Central IL Saturday, Nov 1st for another round!
As for me I will be sitting all day Wednesday, morning/evening Thursday, and all day Friday/Saturday/Sunday. This is the time for me to start putting in my hours. I haven't killed giants in the past but the hours on stand always yield P&Y opportunities. I am actually hunting the best ground of my life so expectations are high, but the effort will be higher than ever before. Sent via Kyocera Hydro Elite
Congrats on the Doe, bowhntr22. 50 more points for the good guys,Nice job. Rizzo, I'm glad to hear your Moms doing ok. I was out this past Saturday night, and seen one small 8 pointer, and a Doe during shooting light. As I was packing my stuff up, I could hear a Deer walking out in the Pasture I was hunting near. It was a real nice 10 pointer. He got the old blood a pumping pretty good. lol. I have to work tomorrow, and then I am on vacation until Nov. 24th. My youngest Son has to work until Thursday of this week, and then he is on vacation for 10 days. We plan on sitting all day on Halloween. The weather is suppose to be in the mid fortys here this week, with lows in the upper 20's I am really pumped. Good luck to anyone else hunting this week.