Lol, I'm pretty obsessed and willing to do what it takes. If I didn't have children I would sit in a tree straight thru till I got er done. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Fre
Thanks for the kind words. Gonna try to get released back to work for tomorrow. I work in health care so you can't even have a frickin runny nose to work! Can actually walk and use my hands again. Woo-hooo! Checked a couple cams yesterday on a nearby estate property that has a couple apple trees and numerous oaks on it. One cam for some reason is not working (older Moutrie flash cam) while the other one had numerous daily pics at one of the apple trees. If I can get out this afternoon I am going to set-up in the woods just outside the apple tree. The 4-5 does are hitting the tree just before 7:00 which is already dark here. By setting up in the woods 60-70 yds away I am hoping to intercept them browsing on acorns prior to going out into the open where the tree is located. Would love to get a doe down! Have not seen a single buck on this property yet on cam. Landowner tells me around Halloween they will see them nearly every day so I only want to remove 1 doe so I have some "bait" left on the property for when those boys start looking around.
Give me your idea on what happened please. This mourning i was set up in my tree stand, i face north in the tree stand. The wind direction is from the south west blowing North east. I was standing and facing south east, and gave a buck grunt behind me, grabbed the horns and tickled the tines together. it was light!!!!!! I did this for a 1 or 2 seconds when i heard deer leaving. then i saw 6 or 7 deer (flags a flying). I was looking in that direction when they took off. They were about 70 to 80 yards away. DID I SPOKE A DOE BEDING AREA? WHY? I have hunted this place for the last 18 years, they have never beded there before. Usually they travel from the West and go east near my stand to go up over the hill and bed down about 200 / 300 yards. However the property owner advised me the day before that she has been seeing only Does no bucks, this year. Any advise on the next move. i will be able to hunt Friday afternoon ? (tomorrow) I stated a thread about this in bowhunting talk answer there or here. Thanks
I'm no expert and you've been at it longer than me but could it be that it's to early for grunts and rattles. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Fre
I really don't do much calling so I'm not much help. I pretty much have given it up as I have done more harm than good with mature bucks. I am going to try a little rattling this year with a decoy, though. I think I have a good set-up for trying it. Northern rednek might be right that it to early, but I have heard of some guys rattling in bucks the first week of the season down in southern IL. I finally saw a deer this month. Best yet, it was from the stand. Unfortunately, the 4 does were 2 properties away. I was sitting a transiton from a river bottom to a fresh picked bean field.
I have a friend say that he had two little buck tickling the horns together COUPLE OF DAYS AGO. He hunts within a couple miles from me, so i haD TO trY it
I updated the contest thread with my actual measurements. Apparently The taxidermist is better at math than me!!! 166 5/8 gross!!!!
Got out for a quick AM hunt today before my wife had to go to work. Bumped 2 different deer on the way into my stand. Had a small buck come in and walk up to behind my tree. Hung out there for about 15 min and then calmly walked away. Had the Ozonics going and I am a little more convinced of it's effectiveness. I was dropping milkweed seeds and they were landing within feet of the buck as he was browsing. He even watched one of them float down so I know he was downwind of me. Even though he was young I was amazed that he did not bust out of there! Also, saw a couple scrape on my walk out.
out yesterday morning. Had 2 does in the field and saw about 6 more from the stand. Only 1 in range, but had a small tree in the way (it's gone now). Too busy to be out until maybe next Sunday evening.
Me and my youngest son got out over the weekend. Friday night I watched a young 8 pointer chasing a Doe, also watched a Spike and a 4 pointer chasing a Doe and Fawn. My son had two small Bucks sparring in front of him. Saturday morning I had a Doe and her two Fawns feeding out in front of me for twenty minutes. I had several good shot opportunities on the Doe, but the area I'm hunting is a one Deer area. Too early to use my Tag on a Doe. I also caught a glimpse of a decent Buck Saturday morning moving through the woods, but there are still a lot of leaves on the Trees yet, not really sure how big he was. I didn't see anything last night. Good luck to anyone able to hunt this week. I'm hoping to hit it again next weekend.
We get last one out done with boot camp and his buck entered we will be sitting good. But your right. If we can all whack a doe we will be in great shape!
Lots of time, I passed on an easy 115 tonight. The rut is a few weeks away and action is heating up. Cool heads will prevail. Lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Fre