Has anybody had the Kazaway and a Limb Driver or QAD Pro? I'm interested in any comparisons you can make in not only how well they shoot, but also how loud or quiet they are and how the noise compares between them. My Cobra Diamond Back Sucks. It's too darn loud.
I have a Limb Driver on 4 bows. Excellent, flawless rest. I'm very interested in the Kazaway as I shot with elkhuntinut at the NE GTG and was very impressed with his. All 3, excellent rests.
Rob, Do you think there was any difference in noise between the two or were they equally quiet? I really like the Kazaway, especially the way it holds the arrow, but I heard the Limb Driver is very quiet. I know they are both great shooting rests so I decided I would get which ever one is quieter. If I can find out.
I've been using the Limbdriver for about 4 months and have been amazed at how quiet and how accurately it allows me to shoot. It's the first fall away rest I've used that has absolutely no fletching contact whatsoever. It's design is absolutely bulletproof.
I shot the Kaz away for about 3 years now and now have the Kaz Away pro hunter which is an awesome rest.. I wont change!! I had the Qad on my 101st 2 years ago for awhile and hated it I could never get it to get complete fletching clearence but I know alot of guys that do..Walt
No real experience with the other two but I have no noise with the limbdrivers that I use. I put moleskin on the prongs and I also put it on my shelf and a little ways up the riser.
Kaz is the guy who owns my Archery Shop I go to, Buck Rub Outfitters, he gave a lot of input into this rest to Vital Bow Gear, they named it after him! Any way, when I shot a compound this is the rest I used since they came out with it. Awesome rest, rock solid. I NEVER had an issue with it and it has a lifetime warranty!
Kaz-A-way, all the way! Check out the new Vital Pro Kaz model. Uses the patented Vital magnetic spring system, and is a forced design (magnet lifts rest at draw, rope forced down upon release).
Interesting, I had just about decided on the Limb Driver, but now I will have to check into the Vital Pro Kaz since it sounds similar in operation to the Limb Driver. The Limb Driver seems to be quite a bit cheaper though so that may play into it if it ends up being to close to call. I think at this point the QAD is out of the picture.
Although I shoot a G5 Expert II rest, I do think the Kaz-away is a truly great rest and you can not go wrong with it. I too know Kaz.
Ben needs to make it clear what the Vital Pro Torsion Spring rest does on his main arrow rest page. I didn't see anything about it until I was on the second page of the "Set up by Pros" section. How much $$ is this rest going for and who has them? Also, I didn't see anything about a magnet.
I shoot it and love it!!! It is driven up by a magnetic and that makes it very smooth and pulled down out of the way by the cable very fast!! Walt
Are you going to start carrying the new model on here? I didn't see the one that is pulled down. It looked like it was the original style.