Friend of a friend puts up a stand on a very small piece of property. Neighbor property owner is not happy about him putting his stand up. (Stand is on own land next to neighbor property) Guy goes to the stand opening day of gun season. He finds a bar of soap on his stand. Neighbor had put it there to give away his scent. Guy throws the soap on the ground away from the stand. 2 minutes later a huge buck comes out heading towards the bar of soap. Buck was smelling the soap. Guy shoots the deer. This is said to be a huge non-typical once in a lifetime buck. No pictures because the guy that shot it was Amish. I'm not sure if they have cameras or not. Could be wrong on that. The neighbor apparently had all of this deer's sheds for the past 3 years. He had been hunting him for the past 2 years. I'm sure some on here will feel bad for bowhunter, but he was the one who trespassed on someone else's land with the bar of soap. I find this very funny. I would feel for the bowhunter if he hadn't done the soap trick. Karma is a b#$%#.
Strange... My cousin's wife's half brother's ex wife's son from a previous marriage told me the same thing!
I think i know this guy you speak of My faith in Internet stories has been restored. Finally, some honesty in big buck hunting stories. Above is a picture of the new world record whitetail buck. It was taken by the cousin of a co-worker's sister's uncle's best friend's son-in-law's niece's hairdresser's neighbor's ex-boyfriend's oldest nephew. Reportedly it will score 2603-1/8 by B&C standard and was shot in West Texas on a really windy day, 85 degrees downhill, around a curve at 900 yards with a .22 cal. rifle. Supposedly, this deer had killed a Brahma bull, two Land Rovers, and six Jehovah's Witnesses in the last two weeks alone. They said it was winning a fight with Bigfoot when it was shot. It has also been confirmed that the buck had been seen drinking discharge water from a nuclear power plant. All this has been checked and confirmed on Snopes. Sincerely, Barack H. Obama
jwebbmentor , i believe my sister inlaws aunts uncles nephew which is the son of my sister inlaws husband told me that was takin on public land also , so anyone could of had a chance at him
Wow. Shouldn't put friends in any threads. I'm pretty sure my dad's friend doesn't make up stories, but I'll get DNA from the hunter and deer next time. Dad's friend actually saw the deer. Not that far removed.
LOL! all of the responses are great stuff. I was thinking the same thing when I first read "friend of a friend". I'm not doubting the story.