As some of you might know Russ (Kanga) built a 68" TD longbow (56lbs @ 28 Inches) and asked the traditional folks that frequented the traditional forum on HNI If they'd like the Idea of a pass around bow. There was some good Interest so Russ built a TD longbow and made a sign up list for anyone who frequented the traditional forum on HNI. All he asked was that everyone treat It well and use It for a couple weeks and pass It on to the next guy. Well my turn finally came about as BobCo sent me the bow and It showed up on Saturday. I wasn't able to put It together and string It up till today being the last 4 days I've been putting In 16.5 hour days hauling milk. To say the least I'm quite Impressed with the bow!!! I'm surprised how quick this bow throws out my 685 grain arrows, It's definitely quicker then my recurve. I know this Isn't the traditional forum but I thought I'd let everyone know how good of a guy Russ Is In doing this pass around bow. I've got It for 2 weeks so I'm hoping I can get a crack at a rabbit or something. Before each one of us mails It to the next guy Russ asked that we sign the bow, neat Idea I thought. Joe (BHF) kinda messed that one up!! Here's some pics of me and my daughter Lydia with Russ's bow and a few other pics of the bow Itself. After about 9 arrows I finally started grouping better at 20 yards. My arrows are a tad stiff (340 FMJ's) so after 20 yards they didn't do so well. I had the g/f come out and take some pics of me shooting the bow. I've never saw myself drawed back before, I was happy with how my form looked. I figured It might look worse.:d Here's where It gets good. This Is the 1st time my daughter Lydia has ever wanted to help dad shoot so I jumped all over that and told the g/f don't you dare miss on taking these pics, I was a pretty proud papa as you can tell. Then she had to watch dad shoot a couple arrows. The g/f snapped the pic way to quick being I'm only 3/4ths drawed back, dang rookie camera picture takers!! The bow Itself. Very nice looking TD Russ!! Here's just the riser. A thing of beauty It Is!! I think Russ said It's made out of Black Walnut. Here's a few names from the guys that have had It already. And last but not least the one and only Iamyourhuckleberry (Will) signature. Will had It out In Alaska with him on his black bear hunt. Russ also just finished building a TD longbow for Will, It's one of the prettiest bows I've ever saw. Thanks Russ for the good deed
Steve thats awesome, great looking bow and better looking Daughter She hads to of got her looks from her mother j/k j/k :d cool idea about sighning the bow
I got to shoot it while Will had it on our bear hunt and I was impressed enough that Russ and I just talked this afternoon about getting one of his works put together for me.
Yup, that Kanga is an aweful nice guy for doing something like this. His faith and trust in others in this project is very admirable!
That's awesome. The bow is very nice! Love the picture of you shooting and your daughter staring up at you, lol.
Steve. Great pic's and your daughter is very precious you better look after her mate, I can just see you in a few years sitting at the table cleaning a gun when she brings home a BF:d But why are you leaning in so much is it to get the string to clear the beer belly? :evil: :d Thanks for the kind words guys I really appreciate it.
I expected this out of you!! No belly here, just a baggy shirt that Is good and stretched out after a hard day of work.
Cool post, Steve! Love that your daughter was interested in playing with the bow. I am becoming more and more intrigued by traditional bows. My Dad has a couple I have been playing around with and I could see my next purchase being a recurve.
Jeff, when I cant my bow I bend at the waist Edit: Maybe I am leaning In toward the target some too, never realized It. I'll fix the problem later today If It's something I'm doing all the time. It might just be too that I'm doing It with this bow only- completely different grip (much smaller) then what I'm used to but definitely something I could get used to. Thanks for the heads up.
Great thread Steve , thanks for sharing the photo's ... the admiration in your daughters eyes says it all Fella , precious moments right their .. Nice job Russ , as always .
Thats good stuff there Steve, I gotta get me a kanga, has anyone drawn any blood with it yet that you guys know of???