The one you setup? Mine has the same 3 does coming to it and checking it out. I have been putting doe pee in it for a month now. I do have a huge BB in there also
I'm not Justin, but I've got 3x of them going and am also interested in seeing any pics. I should have some more pics later this week. I just set this one up yesterday to try and catch what is apparently a 7 point with no brows that has been using this field edge consistently. I'm not quite sure how big he is, but I bumped him during turkey season and he had a big body. Since antlers have sprouted, no one has seen him from closer than 350+ yards.......I know he's maye a borderline shooter, I setup the camera to try and get a closer look to see if I should spend time getting on him. I hope to know more in a few days and will post results. One of the other sets Dan and I made got screwed up, too much brush in front of it and the camera ran out of batteries catching nothing but brush moving from the wind within the first day or so. Some of you have already seen these pics, but for now, this is all we got. I'll have more pics by the end of the week hopefully.
ROFL.......your gonna laugh. I'd love to try the pre-orbital gland stuff on the branch, but I usually just use the cheapest buck urine I can find for both the branch and the scrape. This year I bought a half dozen bottles of Hunters Specialties Dominant Buck Urine. I drizzle it down over the branch and into the scrape, and typically will use an entire bottle to start it. Typically I'll get enough action in it from other deer to keep it going after I start it, I've done it this way for a couple of years now. I've also used the Active Scrape stuff that comes with the dripper as well in the past, but unfortunately I couldn't find where I put my drippers this year, and I had to get something in a hurry to start some scrapes. This stuff is what I usually use, and what I would have used this year if I had planned ahead of time a bit more. They are a great kit to start a scrape with, and have worked for me MANY times. Justin also sells them here on BHC on the following link: Here is another pic of me doctoring up the licking branch. I simply get a big stick to make the scrape with, and make sure not to step in it or touch the licking branch with my hands. 60% of the time, it works every time. :D
Not sure yet. The POS camera I had on the one in the video doesn't seem to want to work for more than a couple days at a time. Last time I checked it, nothing was hitting it yet. Not sure if it's not in the right spot, or what. Going back to check it, refresh it, and put a new camera on it this week. If nothing is hitting it yet, I'm going to start a new one not too far away in a spot where I know a scrape appears every year. I created 2-3 more on other pieces of propert as well that I need to check. Will report back my findings later this week. Mike's is being hit pretty regularly now, but he doesn't have a camera on his yet.
Don't laugh I use the exact same stuff, LOL I have been using doe urine, but the buck urine is about to make it's way into the mix.
I am going with this scent dispenser By code blue, I have not used scents in the passed, but what I am trying to do is clearly not working. I was thinking of putting dominant buck urine in this baby and go from there.
Germ - If you can get it I'd try that Active Scrape stuff. I've used that with some really good success in the past. I'm kind of wishing I had bought more of that for this year, it's the best stuff I've used in the past.
I will head to cabelas tonight if does not have it. Justin do you guys sell active scrape stuff? is this it?
Woops, had the link messed up in my post. Yes, Justin sells it here with the dripper kit included. Link is below:
RJ is right, we do sell it both with and without the dripper. You can find a bunch of scrape stuff at this link: I'm going to be trying the Tink's stuff this week and see how that does. Todd's been using it and already has some bucks working his mock scrapes. I either suck, or there aren't any bucks using my little woodlot this year. My bet is on the former of the two.
I made four mock scrapes this year with Mrs. Doe Pee brand doe urine. I was afraid to mess with the licking branch so I just left it alone. I put a trail cam on one and have three or four pics of does coming up and smelling around the scrape. In one pic a doe beds down about ten feet away from it. Only one pic of a small buck cruising by, he didn't even appear to notice the scrape. Has anyone used the new Tink's Active Scrape that comes in a spray bottle? I thought about trying that out. I freshened one of the scrapes yesterday and put one of my cameras on it, so now I have two scrapes with trail cams. We'll see what happens.
This may sound silly to ya'll but I'm just using peed on dirt from my BILs deer farm. It has worked well so far When his deer start making scrapes I'll really get busy with the trowel and zip lock bag. If any of you would like some send me a PM and I'll send you some. Its nice and fresh!