recent video they talked about warm weather and the rut. My trail cams showed nothing but night time activity and very little of that the past week or so, However, the video shows lots of movement with Todd in the stand. So to me, you just can't really ever know. I killed my one and only p&y deer on Dec 5th and it was a balmy 75 deg. and he was on his feet at 4:15 pm. But what Todd said a little bit deeper in the video made more sense than anything I have heard in years... He said hunt the "dumbest" spots... I agree.. I know it may be hard to do, and it can go against the grain, but from my experience, it paid off. Id like to hear Todd and Justin chime in on that a bit more..
I am no TV or internet hunter but the more time you spend sitting in a tree the higher the odds that eventually you will see something to shoot.
for sure. nothing will ever be more important than actually sitting in a, it has to be under the right conditions of course.. but that's a given
I've always been of the opinion that once November gets here, all bets are off when it comes to weather. Warm temps certainly aren't ideal, but they also don't stop deer from rutting. It may suppress daylight movement a little bit, but the bucks are still going to be looking for does regardless. They don't simply lay down and decide to wait for dark. I have always also believed in a couple of different tactics during the rut. One of them being hunting remote or overlooked locations where bucks will take does when they are tending them. How many times have you seen bucks with a doe in the most random spots during the rut? Next to a highway, in the middle of a field, in someone's backyard, etc. If you're not having luck in your primary locations, those out of the way spots are a great place to catch them. It's a bit of a hail mary at times, but when it works, it works well. My go-to rut locations will always be travel corridors/pinches in between big blocks of timber or bedding areas. When bucks are on the move, they are going to pass through them sooner or later. Just need to pick the right one at the right time. Oh, and I'm certainly no expert any of this stuff. I'm just talking out of my ass like the rest of the people on the Interwebs.
LMAO! but it sounds so sexy...! but you are right, you see bucks in the most unlikely of places this time of year. that's why so many get hit by cars...