Would everyone be interested if a new hunting program on the Pursuit Channel wanted to do a story on the GTG? I have a show that might be interested in the GTG and might give some positive exposure for our sport and this site. Justin this is what I was talking about on the phone with you? Fergie and Peak you should know what I am talking about this morning. New show that looks into the why, traditions and what drives people to go into the woods for hours in pursuit of whitetails. The producers travel and film people in hunting, deer camps and GTG environments. Let me know what you guys think, PM me and I will give you the link to their site. They are sponsored by Bass Pro, Martin Archery and several other companies in the industry.
Ask Todd/Justin if it's okay. Okay with them, I'm sure it's okay w/us, but they have to camp out w/us the few days b-4 to get the real answer to their question. Especially Fri night at the bonfire.
Its okay with us. If they want to come out and film all of you yahoos, more power to them. Just tell them to bring that cute brunette that I saw in the videos. :D
I think it would be cool. Probably a bit boring to see on film but worth a shot. I arrive Wednesday afternoon and they are welcome to join me upon arrival.
Sounds great Race, good exposier for the outdoorsman is a good thing in my book!!! Justin, what happened to all the film laid down from the first G2G??
I thought I was the only one that ever saw that show. Watched half an episode and never looked back, hahahaha.