Well boys had I been in the tree I killed my 140 out of last year, we would have about 120 in. 8 pointer on the board. I was about 30 yds in another tree over some red oaks. that other tree had white oaks last year but 0 this year. he walked by a 25 yds but time I got my bow in hand he had passed the shooting lane then walked right to the tree I killed out of last year. I almost got a doe also only the fawn came under my tree. but I will be back after them on fri. good luck to all. That 8 is a awesome buck here in no. ga. dang it
ngabowhunter, either way that is a good report. Its good to know some of us are seeing bucks. Keep at 'em guys.
ngabowhunter... that is a great report. Keep at it... Hopefully you'll get another crack at him. Good luck!
Sorry man you have the same logo as the guy that is going into his first season. Good luck with that anyway though. Where is every body hunting this year?
The avatar is the one I made for our team logo you can copy it and use it for your avatar if you want.
hey teemoe7, what part of Illinois are you in ? I live in the northwest burbs of chicago and hunt down in Ottawa by Starved Rock
I hope your right! Whatever happens will be documented on film, and if the footage turns out good it should be on one of the upcoming Bowhunt or Die episodes. Thanks for the support, and hang in there until your season opens.
Everyone can talk all the smack they want. Our points on the board will speak for it's self. but I have to ask is who ever come up with your team name a tinker bell fan cause my daughter said it's just like silver mist from tinker bell daddy hahahahahahahhahahahahhaha