My Vote is for either DBLPUNCTR or DKM. ????Does this mean we all get back straps???? It is is your signature after all MR. President, LMAO!!
Just got back from a place I just got permission to hunt "freely" and it has deer paths all over the place with a few scrapes here and there. I am even more excited now that I have a place with the chance of getting a buck "pretty good size" so I have been told. I do not have any camera's to hang so I will pick a few places and stake them out and see what comes along. Man what a great day and just in time!!!
I like it!!! We should have a team name that deals with a sweet shot: DBLPUNCTR DBLUNGSHOT SPILTNLUNGS SEPTUMSPLTRS DKM TAKDRIVERS That is all I got right now.
I think the team name should be "Just Passin' Thru" or JPT for short. Its original and doesn't over-do the whole hunting theme. Its a pun without being tacky.
Any way you can do the quote on the bottom where "Stick It" is so it would stand out a little more? It might be too long, though.
I sent the team name in to rockinchair to be updated. when does everyone elses seasons start mine starts October 1st I will try my hardest to put points on the board that weekend Are coyotes worth anything? hahahahahahahaha
Mine starts in 6 days!!! I have an open hunting ground I can go whenever and I also have a scheduled hunt in Dec.