Checking in. I hunt in northwest Ohio. Can't wait until the 24 opening day. I have a 10year old son that will be hunting with me, his first bow hunt. We have seen some nice deer so far but no record holders YET. Good luck to all.
here are a couple trail cam bucks I hope to see this year dont let the weeds fool ya with this guy. this buck should be a bruiser this year
Hey guys. Sorry I'm late checking in. Been busy this week. I'm wicked excited for the season and can't wait to get out in the stand. Nothing but a spike horn on camera and plenty of does but we'll see what the unpredictability of the rut brings. I'm here to do work all season long in the woods so it'll be a great season. Good luck guys!
Welcome aboard everyone! The season opens here in Wisconsin in 2 weeks, so I'm pumped to get things going, so let's have a good time this season and put some great whitetails on the ground!
Hey guys..I'm checking in..Sorry I'm late but I'm just getting back from a week long vacation fishing in Canada. Now, I'm ready for bowhunting. I live and hunt in PA but I spend the majority of the rut hunting in Kansas. I'm looking forward to sharing pics and swapping stories with everyone...
Do we have any volunteers for captain? Looks like we have 1 left to check in. Atbuckhunter.. Anyone hunting yet? Feel free to post any pics you might have. Trail cam pics, deer that you have taken, mounts, hunting area, anything you want. Good luck guys..
I'm open to anyone that would like to volunteer to be our captain. I personally am NOT the one for the job. Don't know enough about computers to even try. Good luck to everyone!
What about you mr. pearce, but we will call you president if you don't mind. and then it will be backstraps for all.
have we decided on a team name? DKM ( deeer killing machines) Pump station stoppers tough 2 lungers or just simply BHC winners