Well guys. I'm not sure if I'll be able to get out at all this week or weekend but have a happy thanks giving and best of luck if you get out to the woods.
Just got word from the land owner that he shot my big 9 pointer today. Im happy for him but i cant help but feel sad because i didnt get to harvest him.
PAbowhunter, that's a great buck and even better story. It reminds us hunters that the rigors of a long season or hunt, that eventually may bring us down in one way or another, can change in a minute, and that minute can be the highlight of our season. Congrats on a great hunt!
update page for our points and totals: PaBowhunter: 143 0/8 Teemoe7: Deerdork: 50 Ngabowhunter: ATbuckhunter:50 Goherd1111: AntlerAddict: 50, 111 0/8 michael_pearce: 50 Rampaige: 50 Bluethunder: gri22ly: houseoftoes: Unfortunately had to withdraw do to his new job. Let's all wish him the best of luck. TOTAL SCORE: 504 0/8
Well my last chance to really add some points i'm heading to pike county Illinois today. Sent from my LG-E739 using Tapatalk
I will i'm in my stand now and already saw a few deer in a field about 200 yards away.more than I've seen in three Weeks were I usually hunt Sent from my LG-E739 using Tapatalk
Hey guys, Well I finally got a buck down. Not exactly what I was hoping for this year but this late in the season I'll take what I can get. He doesn't score very high. Somewhere in the 97" range. The fact that he's got a busted main beam along with a busted G3 didn't help but either way it's meat in the freezer. I guess my biggest thing was age. I didn't want to shoot a baby and he's not that so I'm happy. On another note. You'll see that I included a picture of my Rage 2 blade broadhead that failed to open. This is the first time it's ever happened to me but I've heard of it happening to others. Thankfully I watched him crash otherwise there's no way we would have found him. It was a great hit but without that broadhead expanding we had NO blood trail. Needless to say I think I'll be switching broadheads next season.
Well it was definetly an experience. First day out I saw a few does. I had not shot were I was because I had'nt cut any lanes before sitting in my stand. The next morning I got busted by a nice 150" - 160" 8 pointer right at first light. While I watched him casually walk off 3 more does came right up from behind me and jumped the same fence and then just stood there almost teasing me. So after that I moved my stand a little bit down the holler to where they had crossed and cleaned out some nice lanes. One of my buddies had said hey why don't you cut that lower limb so you have a straight shot to that clearing. I said nah I have a window thru it. Well that bit me in the but. A nice big doe came right to that spot right in my window. I drew back got ready and my jacket was caught in my harness so I lifted my elbow while at full draw and accidently hit my trigger. The arrow took off and hit the same limb he said to cut. Then I sat there for a bit and dozed off leaning on that same dam limb. Woke up and went for a short walk up the holler just to scout since there was snow on the ground. Got back to my stand and sat down. We all agreed that if we did not see anything by 4:30 we would start pulling our stand to meet up and head home. So at 4:25 I tied off my bow and pack and sent them down to the ground. I decided to carve my name in that tree for the future and then get down. As I did that I looked to my left and right under me and that same limb stood a nice doe. I slowly start to bring my bow back up. Every inch it moved see stommped and grunted. But she never moved. I got my bow in my hands the took an arrow out of the quiver as quite as I could. I looked over my shoulder and she was still there. My heart started racing and I knew I had her. I nocked the arrow and when it snapped on the string she had enough and ran like the wind. I was so mad at myself. Then with in minutes I heard more deer moving from the same area. But they never came with in range. After all of that I still have to say it was one of the best hunts and trips I have ever had and owe it all to Mark and Sonny who invited me. It was a great time with a few great guys and the memories that were made on those days were my real trophy. I know this was a long read but I had to share the story.
That was a good story Michael. After all that is what it's all about. Good times with your buddies and the great outdoors.
Yesterday I went out to hunt the private property I usually go to. About 2 p.m. I saw a few eagles flying over head and saw one of them fall right into the river behind me. I got my binos out and watched the eagle struggle to stay a float in the water and make it's way to the shore. He looked hurt to me so I called my local game warden and had them come out. I figured my hunt was over because of what happened and the GW told me to just stay in my stand and wait for them. I told them how to get back to me and to go a certain way so that they wouldn't jump the deer that were bedded near me. Well they came in the wrong way and jumped the deer. about 8 deer came running past me and I got one to stop at 43 yards in some really heavy cover. Put my pin on her and let it fly. I didn't know at the time that the GW's were even there yet. My arrow hit the mark on her hard quartering away from me and she took off. Then I saw them walking to me and yelled for them to stop where they were. I told them I just shot a deer and the reply I got was we usually jump deer to guys when we walk in. So they came with me to check the shot area. The GW said " she ain't going far that was one hell of a shot you made". So then we go to find the eagle and it's not there any more but we found the area where it was and noticed a dead duck there and a hell of a lot of feathers. I explained to them how the eagle fell into the water and what it was doing and they said it definitely sounds like it was hurt. On my way home I kept going over the entire situation in my mind and realized that the eagle was not hurt but was having a hard time swimming because it had the duck in it's claws. I haven't even seen a deer on that property in over a month. Then end up shooting one because I thought there was an eagle that needed some help. It has been a really long hard few weeks and I was more excited to get that doe than any other deer before her. I guess carma really does work. Here a couple pics of my doe. You can see where my arrow went in the pics with me and the exit hole is the close up near the shoulder.
Wow thats one hell of a shot. Congrats on the great doe. Its awesome that you got to see an eagle bring down a duck.
update page for our points and totals: PaBowhunter: 143 0/8 Teemoe7: Deerdork: 50, 95 3/8 Ngabowhunter: ATbuckhunter:50 Goherd1111: AntlerAddict: 50, 111 0/8 michael_pearce: 50 Rampaige: 50 Bluethunder: gri22ly: houseoftoes: Unfortunately had to withdraw do to his new job. Let's all wish him the best of luck. TOTAL SCORE: 599 3/8
I still have a few tags burning holes in my pockets, so I'm looking to let the air out of a whitetail real soon. Good luck to anyone still trying!
you too dean I'll be out with the orange army this weekend since I can bow hunt during the last gun seasons here. good luck buddy