Thanks and just so you know we got 50 points on the board. I just shot my first deer with a bow today . Im going to uplead the pics of the BB with in the hour.
Well guys, I put 48 hours in the stands in 4.5 days on my annual Minnesota trip. The action was slow, but I did fill my tag on the last hour of the last day of hunting. I just sent the footage in today, so it should show up on one of the future Bowhunt or Die webisodes. He won't score real high, but I was happy to bring him home to Wisconsin. I'll put a tape on him sometime this week.
Hey guys, I'm still working on scoring some points here in Kansas. I've been seeing quite a few bucks but nothing huge yet. So far I passed a few bucks in the 120's,a 135" 9 point, a 145" 9 point and twice I passed a buck that would easily score in the 160's but he broke off a G3 on his left side and his main beam right after his G3 on his right side, probably atleast 20" of antler. He's really starting to tempt me, so if I don't see anything bigger I might just let the taxidermist worry about it. Atbuckhunter- Congrats on the doe! AntlerAddict- Good job on your Minnesota hunt! Good Luck everyone..I'll check back in later.
Yeah it's been kinda slow by us too. But i did find a new scrape line the other day and the cut the corn in our field monday night. So I really think they should start moving really good after this storm moves out
Hey Dean if you ever make it down this way let me know we can meet up at my buddies shop and let a few arrows fly
Well im in my stand for an all day sit. I hope this big fork horn comes in again he is showing up on cam pics in the day now. He wont score to great but he is about 7 years old n i want him.
Sorry it took so long to get the photo up. This is my first deer with a bow so even though its a BB its a trophy to me. The rage did it job with this guy put a huge 2.5 inch entrance hole in it. It went maybe 15 yards after the 20 yard shot.