Here is my main hunting area. Red is exclusive (besides my Dad) to me in bow season, except for quad riders. Yellow is land I can hunt but its not exclusive Pink is known areas where other guys hunt a good bit. Green is bedding areas Lt Blue is REALLY good bedding Yellow splatters are scattered oaks. I'd call none of the areas and actual "oak stand" except maybe the one to the far left. Red dots are parking I marked "prevailing" wind, but that is about pointless, the wind swirls from every direction on 75% of my hunts. Clean one to mark
Thanks for the mark ups guys. Most of the places you picked were places I've hunted, some are not really able to be hunted but you would only know that by being there. Stuff you just can't see from the map. Oddly enough the spot that EVERY single person one of the most disappointing and underachieving spots on the property. Especially for bucks. They either cut thru the field, or go around that other small clearing.
Now that I have more time I can personalize answers to those that took the time. Scott, we already talked Matt, Your left dot & your right dot sit directly on driveways... but I did hunt just to the left of your right dot, as that gets tons of doe traffic typcially. And despite your top dot being as textbook a location as you can get, it really only gets doe traffic & not even as much of that as you would think.
Steve, 2 of your dots get the same comments as Matt's. Your farthest left dot is a good spot BUT, the guy in the corner house never takes his salt block in, so hunting there would be pushing the limits regarding our baiting laws. Your other 2 dots are very good spots. Especially the area around the northern most one.
John, Southernmost dot-That place has always intrigued me, but its all small trees, none climbable, but I know the deer move thru there, as it is a good funnel. Moving north to your next one-about 50 yds SW of that one, I hammer the does. And see a decent number of yearling bucks there. That is my best doe spot. Next one up-Right next to the parking area & those woods are very thin. far west-same as Matt's, driveway leading to landowners barn "corner" dot-that spot is interesting the deer certainly cross thru there & its a favored spot for my Dad to gun hunt, but I never gave it much chance with a bow. I know I could whack does there. 2nd most eastern dot-Good area over there, decent rublines just to the left of there, but because I hate hunting around people, I rarely go over there. Guys are in there pretty often. Far eastern dot-can't tell but those woods are REALLY open & used to hold cows. NO more cows, but I've never seen a deer go into or out of those woods.
Ryan - here are the sites that jump out at me. Obviously, when you walk into a place, everything looks different from the aerials - especially the topography, and usually, those are the small features that funnel the movement. Ya know?