I have always wanted to learn to shoot a compound and take my boys deer hunting. As a true beginner, what compound bows should I be looking at and what advice would you offer to someone just getting started? Any help is greatly appreciated!
Welcome to the site!!! Check out Mission bows by Mathews. They are really good bows and fully adjustable for kids. They are very good bows for adults as well and will not break the bank.
Asking questions on a good forum like this is a great place to start. The next place that I would go is to a good local bow shop. While there are a lot of people here that have a lot of knowledge and can answer a lot of your questions, putting a bow in your hands, checking your draw length and helping you get the feel of a bow and helping you know what to do next, really need some hands on assistance. Oh and of course.............. WELCOME ABOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome! is the bow for you or them? But as said, the best way to pick a bow is to head to a bow shop and try them out! At a pro shop they should let you demo what ever bow you want so shoot as many as you can
I picked up 2 youth bows at Rural King and gave them to my boys for Christmas but I am open to purchasing something different if there is an ideal way to go for youth archers. I do not have a bow yet, so I will be looking to buy in the next few weeks.
Thanks to each of you for taking the time to offer advice. My boys and I are really looking forward to this!
Once you get set up and are shooting. Keep it fun. I've found that children, (and the kid in all of us) love to shoot balloons. I've seen plenty of poker games played shooting at cards.
Hello, some information can i kown. How old are you ? and How much draw weight you need? I think you are a beginner you can use SAS Siege 55 lb 29” Compound Bow w/ 5-Spot Paper Target. Use this bow, you can save the money. Hope that you have a good choice.