My buddys relatives son found these while driving down a back road about five miles from my house. The boy seen a tine sticking up and thought it was a little shed until he walked up to it and found both sides close together. just thought i would put out some pump material for the upcoming season. He brought these over to the house and i bought crapped my pants. Me with mac Daddy :d My buddy with a different angle.
Jeff, my buddy did try to buy them for $150.00 and they said $300.00 would not even touch them As for me paying to just see him tough decision. Raceway.. I hope so to bro sliverflicker...LMAO!!:d
Crick, that thing is a stud... I want to see him with a different set of antlers this fall... in your hands!!
holy cow! man that'll lood reeeal good on the wall this yr. hopefully you get'em crik. by the way, like how you took that pic, w/o any of your fingers show'n!