Just thought you would want to know Jeff, they introduced a 1.5" 2 blade head at the ATA show. Designed specifically to penetrate better, they are claiming it's for larger game, or smaller framed shooters that use bows producing less KE. No pics of updates yet on their website, but maybe Justin or Todd got some pics at the show.
I was looking at and talking with one of the reps at the show about them. I think that Peak might have gotten a sample to try out but not positive.
Peak should have the review turned in for editing I am not a mechanical fan but they were pretty slick and there have been improvements with the design from what we were told.
I bet I walked by the Rage both 20 times and didn't even look at it. Man I wish I would have looked now. Thanks for the heads up on them. Can't wait to see how the review goes.
I was across the street at the Hyatt bar when that was going on but it was all the buzz that night and the next day at the show. All the manufacturers were talking about it and a few of the pro's were still talking about it. I don't know how they know it was the Rage but they were all sure that it was. Even Chris Brackett said everyone that witnessed it said it was the Rage head. Not sure which model it was though.
I didn't watch the shoot off, but Randy Ulmer is one of the all time great shooters. I seriously doubt he had any clearance issuses with his bows setup.
From what I was told, you could actually hear when the blade(s) opened. I feel bad for Ulmer, he's an amazing shooter.
Yes I got a few pics and they were kind of enough to give me a set. I can tell you this you should not need a rubberband (Dentist style) to keep them closed. I am not sure how this head would of opened because the set I was checking out at the show I shook pretty dang good to try and free the blades up. This was the 1.5" head I only tried.
My understanding is that the heads used in the event were shot multiple times, each end they pulled the arrows and used the same head. I've practiced with my Rage's enough to know that multiple shots without replacing the rubber retaining ring will cause them to open prematurely. Make sure to only shoot fresh o-rings, and there will not be a problem.
Is there an advantage to the 1.5" blades vs 2"? I thought the big thing was the large entry/exit wound caused by the Rage BH's. Or is it strictly for the less energy bows? the reason I ask, is that I'm thinging of trying them out. Not that there's anything wrong w/my Muzzy's, they've killed everthing I've shot at, but it would be nice to have a bigger blood trail.
Hank- I think they are great for the lighter weight bows so you should probably definetly give it a try. I mean your Bowtoy is dialed in at what 50lbs? I am really interested in hearing a review on these. I am really hoping to have my daughter out in the woods next year getting a chance a chance at her first deer. And I was thinking the new Rage might be great for her.
When are they going to add a 125gr. to the lineup? Thats what I am waiting for. Until then...Spitfires are what I will be sticking to.
For now can we get some pics Peak? I'll stick with my proven Snypers but seems I'd have a new broadhead if Snypers stop being produced. Snypers seem to be less expensive as well but I'm still in the curious department.