Have always wondered if these would be more of a pain or not? Today was doing a little shopping and needed some things in the archery department :D Then I saw it...the damn thing thats been on my mind for years and so I spent the 2.99 on it to try it and all I can say is why the hell didnt I try one years ago? At first I was a little ticked cuz I was shooting low and left and thought WTH? Then it dawned on me that I use to use the tip of my nose to anchor and that my anchor point moved that much...so I made the proper adjustments and WOW!!! This is something I would strongly suggest others to invest in also. The reason I say this is because you consistently repeat your anchor point perfect EVERY time between having the kisser button in the corner of your mouth and your peep centered around your sight bracket...you are golden and at first it felt wierd, but by the time I shot thirty arrows I could hardly tell it was there! What an awesome simple product is all I'm saying
I was taught to use a kisser, and when I bought my new bow I had to go buy one. It has always given me consistent shots like you stated. I agree, I would recommend it to anyone. A consistant anchor point is the stepping stone of consistant shots. :D Edit: I think the word "consistant" was a little overkill in my post....
I agree, I grew up shooting traditional so when I went to a peep it was wierd for the first five min., but wow, much better groups.
When i started out i used a kisser button, it cut my lip and made it a pain to shoot, so i took it off last year and now im shooting better then ever. I use my nose on the string, thumb on the neck and hand under the ear as my anchor.
I use them but they kind of pull my mustashe. Every once in a while I miss and blame it on the kisser pulling hairs.LOL.
First Compound...drawlength and weight set...three arrows into the shop's target. One off line. Clerk/Tech liked my anchor (4 knuckles to jawline) but saw I only made contact with the knuckles on two out of the three...Kisser button fixed that instantly. I can shoot just as accurate with the knuckle anchor alone...but the botton to the corner of the mouth keeps me from having to think of it... A few thousand shots later I still think of form once in a while...remind myself to relax my bow hand...but I never think of the anchor point. Wouldn't shoot without one. Removes a variable.
Ive been using kissers since i started bow hunting. Very consistant achor and shots! I recomend them to everyone. But some proshops say other wise....go figure...
I am actually planning on having one put on this weekend. Have some major overhauling on the bow next week with the addition of some new/heavier arrows so figured this would be a good time to add it!
i dont use one but to each his/her own.... i anchor on one of my molars, jaw, nose and bill of my hat on the string.
I started using a kisser with my peep this year & have never shot better. I make my kissers by wrapping dental floss in a small ball on my string & it works perfect. I got this tip from Lee Lakosky.
We completely agree..... Hi, Jessy Draves chiming in here.... I'm the maker of the Komfort Kiss Kisser Button. I developed the Komfort Kiss because I was tired of all the other kisser buttons tearing peoples lips. I'm happy that you guys are enjoying the Komfort Kiss. We couldn't agree more with what's being said about the kisser button improving a consistent anchor point. Thanks for using the Komfort Kiss! -Jessy Draves
I went back to a kisser button this season, basically because I took off the peep sight for hunting. I hate peep sights in low light, no matter the size or brand. I tied on the smallest kisser button I could find......works excellent!
I put a kisser button on one of my older bows.... I then realized that I don't put the string anywhere near my lips.... or nose... I couldn't get any part of my face to come in contact with it. Oh well.
I don't like the big ol alien ship kissers, but I substitute a speed button for it. It's smaller and rubber so it doesn't rob me of speed or comfort.