Cause I'm tired. Here is my goat. It was an EPIC TRIP and a great time with some old and some new friends. By ther way, we cleaned him up the best we could, there was a lot of blood!!! (Heartshot)
Congrats that looks like it would be a blast!! It looks as if the arrow didnt penetrate very far though, did you shoot straight into the shoulder or something?? Whatever you did it definantely did a number on him!! Way to go!!
I'm going to start calling ya'll's trip the Fabulous Antelope Road Trip, or just F.A.R.T. for short.LOL! Congrats on a nice goat!
I have been wondering where the three of ya have been hiding since the hunt :D rest up bud!! John thats a very nice speed goat Did you rough Rob and Greg up for me? :D