Here is a not so good pic of whats going to be the accent strip in Daves riser:d I will try and take a better pic later on.
Dave. I don't know why the camera did not focus properly but I will try and get another pic in daylight seeing work has been cancelled again today because of rain. But it should look really good with the other wood which I am not going to mention yet:d Plus I am not going to mention what I have in mind for the limbs just yet either. Might even leave the limbs out of the build along till the bow is finished, just to be smart ass:d But I will probably make a start on the limb block today. From what we have pm'd about it's gonna be a beauty
I know I have not been drinking this morning, so i think the pic is a bit blurry.:d Im guessing that is cocabola??? Looks like it has some good, rich reds and oranges in it.
Kanga how do you like working with cocabola? I love the look an smell, but all the dang oil drives me nuts. It clogs up sand paper and files too fast. Dont get me wrong, that dont stop me from using it. It looks too good to ignore.
Kent. Yeah it is a pain in the rear but the end result is always worth it:d Here is a couple of better pics from both sides that willl be seen in Dave's riser.
Joe. I had no idea what the other side was going to be like till I ripped it, the board I ripped it from was 6" wide so the inside came as a loverly surprise to me too.
Wow, that looks just like a piece ive got. One thing I really like about cocabola, it polishes up real well. If you use it alone, you almost dont have to put a finish on it.
Just got back from work and WOW , that is one sweet piece of Cocobola . Look at the grain in that baby , i'm pumped oh man i'm pumped . The woods i chose are looking like a great start Russ , tease them man , tease them . I like the idea of holding back on the limbs
Well i,ve just spoke to Russ on the phone , we discussed bows , woods , colours , Life , past and present and he is one Top Bloke . I have the utmost respect for that guy , he knows why and i cannot wait for next year when i get the chance to come over and hook up with him and hopefully some of you fella's too and we can chat and drink . Russ The limbs sound fantastic and cannot wait to see it all coming together mate .
Dave. It was great talking to you too for the short hour:d I sent you a pm with a pic of what I have done with the limbs so far and my details so you can get those arra's shipped here and I will put them in the box with the bow and fletching tape from Bobby.
Dave, you need a Tab, I can cut you up a couple from some leather I have and can send them to Russ to toss in the Box. Let me know!
Joe that would be greatly appreciated , thank you so much guys . Got the picture Russ , oh boy that is sweet . Joe you are gonna love it when you eventually see the big picture , but we have to tease for now