The good news is that PETA is seen as PERTArded (thanks Will I am going to use that a lot) by the VAST majority of society. Even our wimpy, weak minded, socialist, hippy, tree hugging, I don't want anything killed but pass me another burger society. So, they aren't the real enemy of concern (prioritized target I like to say). IMO, some of the current priority targets are the politicians who want to make lead bullets illegal b/c they are harmful to the environment Why don't they just admit that they want ammo so expensive that they price everyone right out of the market? I would like to introduce them all to the east end of a west bound skunk.
Sure glad I live where I do...these people aren't allowed where I hang out I try to be open minded and I've always said don't criticize unless you've tried it. I'm not asking these people to kill an animal, but just try shooting a bow, a gun, sit in a treestand, catch & release a fish...they won't. On the flip side, I have tried being a nonhunter (in the offseason) and I can barely make it to the next fall:d ...pluss me gotta hav sum meet wit eech meel
I read a few comments down, then I vommitted. "Over and over again, studies prove that those that hunt are less educated, less intelligent. They are the bottom of society. And they don't even have the ability to take care of their children." I'd like to see those studies. My research says otherwise. Now I'm leaving before I go an a rant!
Attempt #3... Curly, I am equally confused. Why would the people of PETA, you know... supporters of fair and equal treatment, not want the opinions of hunters? At best, you should know your enemy (IMO). This is my third nice and well thought out response. The other two were censored-go figure! To be honest, I am surprised any hunters were able to voice their opinions here. Not that it matters to you or the other PETA moldable. Aren't hunters just stupid and at the bottom? Cheers...
I actually got through, twice. It took them 3 days to post my first one. Funny how they find it necessary to "Filter" in a debate... Peta Forum