I only have a question about arrows. I do not hunt. I live on 40 acres of wooded land. I was out today in my woods when I came across an arrow. My big concern is was someone on my land hunting or could it have traveled from a neighbor. Although my neighbors do not hunt (to my knowledge). This may explain times when my dogs have freaked out or I've heard noises coming from the woods. Anyway, the arrow is marked as Radial X Weave STL Hunter 300. Also, if I have a poacher, do you have any suggestions on how to nab the person(s). I've lived out here for over 15 years and have never found anything like this.
Can I have my arrow back? What I would do on a series note is post your land. Take a walk one say wearing orange and check things out. Drive along perimeter and look for cars parked.
It's been a long time since I've posted signs. I suppose I need to get out there and do it again. I've got an orange hat I wear out there during hunting season. I also have a quarter horse and a mini horse that are escape artists and have cruised miles through the woods. I suppose I ought to get some orange on them.
Ive found numerous arrows and crossbow bolts on my property throughout the years, also run seven trail cameras and have never caught a trespassers on the property. All have been laying, not stuck in the ground like a miss would be. I chalk it up to neighbors wounding a deer and the deer escaping onto our property then losing the arrow. All have been found in thick cover or swampy areas where I'd suspects a wounded deer to travel to. Was the arrow you found laying on the ground or stuck into the ground?
You have made an excellent point. I did not think of it having been a wounded deer that ran onto my property. My property slopes down towards a large deep creek and a deer could have been headed that way. Even if it was a wounded deer, I don't like the idea of a stranger on my property tracking his kill. It's only 40 acres out here and the surrounding parcels are less than 5 acres each. Except for one neighbor who also has 40 and he does not allow hunting. This also explains why I haven't seen the small group of deer that like hanging out with my mini horses. Thanks for your help!!