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*** Joes VS. Pro's on TV ***

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by BowTech_Shooter, Apr 9, 2009.

  1. Rick James

    Rick James Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 24, 2008
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    West Central IL
    Good god guys, give them a break. Looks like a company trying to start a new quality show, and give an average "joe" a chance to make a name for themselves when they otherwise may not have an opportunity to do so. Why not give them the benefit of the doubt, wish them the best of luck, and not criticize them before they have even released anything?

    Most of the guys looking to break into this industry don't have the overhead or resources to do the editing, producing, marketing, this might just be an attractive way for someone to get their name out there on someone elses dime. If you want to get your foot in the door and don't have a LOT of $$$ to invest and get yourself started, this sounds like a good chance for someone to get their foot in the door.

    Hopefully anyone that participates keeps the shots ethical, and can create an opportunity for themselves to pursue a career chasing their dream. I wish anyone that participates the best of luck.

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