Friday night: We went and saw the movie Last House on the Left. Good plot, bad actors and an even worse rape scene of a teenage girl Saturday Night: She rented two movies, "Twilight" and "Saw V". Now Whitney LOVES scary movies if you haven't picked up on that yet. I for one, hate them. Anyway, "Saw V" was worse than the first four. Then it was on to "Twilight". I had heard this movie was "romantic". I honestly can't find one thing romantic about humping something that wants to rip you apart and drink you're blood. But what can I say, maybe that girl liked it freaky. Anyway, I was disappointed in the movie, but what can you expect taking the advice of teenage girls. About thirty minutes into it Whitney asked me to see if "Law and Order SVU" or turkey hunting was on. And people wonder why I'm marring her:d Sunday Evening: We got invited to go see the movie Knowing with her little sister and her boyfriend. Oh how I was thrilled (Can you sense the sarcasm?). Anyway, the movie was pretty good until the last ten minutes. All I can say is what a stupid way to end a movie. All I wanted to do was go see "I Love You Man" No one ever takes my advice
Jim, I actually had to pay $16 to sit through Twilight in the movies. Sense that time, my girlfriend has read all 4 Twilight books, and now compares me to Edward (yes, the vampire) every chance she gets. Example: Girlfriend: "Edward would never force me to watch turkey hunting shows while Grey's Anatomy is on." Me: *searches for Jim Beam
Yes seriously Kyle, its either that or spend $20 on drinks to get her in the mood. $5 dollars sounds cheaper to me:d
lol, that'll work. If she's into vampires:D My gf has read every book, it sucks. She thinks every guy should be prefect, like that stupid vampire in the movie. Whatever.
i agree. the movie was worse than the book. and i thought that the book was only ok. but, according to my friends, ok means that i love it. they keep giving me all this twilight merch as if i was obsessed with it. *sigh*
Twilight - I have read all the books and seen the 1st movie. My daughter loved the movie but all I could do throughout the entire movie was realize they left out 75% of the book and added extra stuff (not in the book). I am a ANNE RICE vampire disciple. so this was sugar coating to an extreme unless... if you are 12 but vampires who go out during the day?????? Really?!?!?!? However I will admit I had several Mrs. Robinson moments over Edward though
in the spirit of this thread, if you are a fan at all of the comic book movies, Watchmen was excellent...