Jeffrey Jones here Bowhunters my 2012/2013 hunt has come to an end here in the great state of Oklahoma. It has been a heck of an experience bowhunting for the first time. I had some awesome luck with my first 10 point buck one button and a big ole doe so I'm pretty content with that. I really appreciate this forum as it has allowed me to learn a lot from the senior members and look forward to reading and seeing more in the near future. I hunted this season with an Old Darton Lightning Bow set at 30"/70# Beamon Bowhunter 340's and 3 blade rage broadheads which got the job don which goes to show that you don't have to have the most costly rig to get the job done It's the hunter behind it all. I look forward to upgrading my equipment this year as I've seen many things I like but I just wanted to get my feet wet first and I loved every moment of this season. It truly will be one to be remembered.#OkieBowHunter Two of My 2012 harvest my other button got quartered and went straight into the freezer but he was as big as the doe here
Thanks a lot guys I really do feel welcome here and look forward to sharing my adventures with you guys over the years. I'd rather be addicted to this than anything else it truly is an obsession I have learned a lot here and hope you guys keep the bowhunting action alive!! OkieBowHunter
Welcome Jeffrey. Sounds like an absolutely awesome first season dude. Keep it up. Congrats and welcome again.